VIDEO: Neturei Karta Attend Shabbos Rally Where Palestinian Leader Calls For Jews ‘To Be Shot In Jerusalem’



Addressing the annual Al-Quds Day rally in Toronto this past Shabbos, Elias Hazineh, the former president of Palestine House in suburban Toronto, called for giving Jews in Jerusalem a two minute warning before starting to shoot them. As can be seen in the video below, while the Jihadist screams to kill Jews, two members of Neturei Karta dressed in their Shtreimel and Bekesha (likovid Shabbos) stand near the podium and holding a large anti-Israel banner.

“We have to give them an ultimatum! You have to leave Jerusalem! You have to leave Palestine…..We cannot let people from Russia and from Europe live in the home that my grandfather built…it’s unacceptable….and we will restore justice….I want to remind you of how police work: When someone tries to rob a bank, the police get in and they don’t negotiate….and we have been negotiating for 65 years….We say get out or you’re dead! We give them two minutes and then we start shooting! And that’s the only way they will understand.”

Watch and decide for yourselves.

Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

30 Responses

  1. I see some secular Jews next to the NK guys and the secular Jews are also holding a sign saying “Judaism rejects Zionism”.

  2. Anyone notice the deafening silence from “akuperma, The Big One, lbj, AThought” and the rest of the self-hating Jews who lurk on YWN?

    Dare them to publicly call these reshoyim what they are.

    If not, they have just confirmed our suspicions that they are full-fledged Ahmadenijad-loving, Holocaust-denying, rabid anti-semites.

  3. to # 6.

    You are right, there are not here now. So maybe they are finally listened to their own words and turned off the internet, and started to learn. O, well, time will show but I have doubts.

  4. Wow.

    I find it interesting that our commentators such as Thug-erai?? Toi?, and Alex frommy are putting down others. There is no quality posts only attacks. We don’t need pundits, we need achtus and mature discussions.

    Whether you agree with akuperma, the big one,lbj, and A thought is irrelevant. While I may not always agree with them, their input and arguements have are intelligent.

    No one wants to comment since Netra Katrei is so ridiculous, that Jews don’t want to waste time with them.

    Please add value to YWN or stop simply attacking people with insults.It’s degrading to the majority of readers who are looking for ideas and not lashon hora. It’s beneath your dignity!

  5. This isn’t at all surprising that they demonstrate on Shabbos fot their cause. Is there a heter to carry such signs on Shabbos even with a proper erev?

  6. The Arab mentality is revenge for honor. It may be 600 years but they’ll claim its for “honor”. Well, Hashem gave the Land of Israel to the Jews. We are also fighting for our “honor”…this is OUR LAND…no matter what anyone else thinks or says. Most Palestinians do not live homeless. Gaza City is a flourishing metropolis that they don’t want the world to see!

  7. I think the original leaders of NK were a bit more reasonable than this bunch. I don’t think Rav Amram Blau, for example, would take part in something like this.

  8. The neture karta are in much more danger then the chilonim. Because the neture karta have no ammunition but the chilonim have all type of guns etc. So no one should be afraid of them.

  9. NO-ONE disappeared #11 is Correct, everyone is entitled to express his own mind, but unfortunately the majority of the comments are totally idiotic, curses, attacks, zero quality! It’s you can’t debate than shut your mouth, you don’t become correct by attacking, attacks just proves how ignorant and stupid you are!

    Moderators Note: The rest of your comment was deleted….as are 95% of your comments…. Care to know why? We will use your words: “the majority of the comments are totally idiotic, curses, attacks, zero quality! It’s you can’t debate than………..just proves how ignorant and stupid you are!”

  10. everybody that knocked those that didnt post do have a point, these people are reshaim as much as the gestapos in germany

    however that doesnt make people that want to destroy the torah learning of bachurim any less reshaim than the tzedukim, and communists

  11. Rachmana Letzlan! Don’t our own realize that if they start shooting, they’ll be shot too.
    L’havdil and I’m not sure there’s a havdalah here, but the assimilated and converted Jews, were treated the same way by the Nazis YM”Sh as the frum Yiddin.
    Do they think the Palestinians will differentiate????
    Remember, Germany was a very highly sophisticated country, and they did not differentiate, kal vochomer that the Palestinians certainly wont.
    And then where will the Neturei Karta be????

  12. We were waiting for that note for a long time, just to prove how one-sided and corrupt you guys are, and making it easier on our part Ty.

    Examples? comments 2, 4, 5, 7,and 21 just on this news

  13. STOP finding excuses for them. Neturei Karta are Reshoim. They do the same here in London and everywhere else in the world. Those mamzerim even travelled to Paris when Arafat was dying to daven at his hospital bedside

  14. The first two words on the sign is correct, they are “Judaism Rejects.”

    We should be giving the Arabs an opportunity to leave Israel. Any of them causing trouble, of any kind, should be expelled. The Torah is clear on the conditions that goyim can live in Israel. We need to stop worrying about what the world thinks and start worrying about what Hashem thinks.

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