VIDEOS: Women Of The Wall Accuse Police And Kosel Guards Of Failing To Protect Them


The organization’s director-general and another person filed a complaint about an attack by some of the people on the Kosel Plaza, claiming the police and the Kosel Heritage Foundation have a central role in this.

Women of the Wall (WoW) members arrived at the Kosel Plaza on Tuesday, 1 Teves, as is their custom on rosh chodesh. They claim they were attacked by females without any guard trying to intervene on their behalf.

The two women who were attacked, Cantor Tami Gottlieb and the director-general of the movement Leslie Zacks, filed a complaint at the Kishleh police station.

According to the organization’s women, the 200 women who arrived this morning for rosh chodesh tefilla “had to deal with the increasing violence of demonstrators who came to the site, including girls and girls in veils, who spit on the worshipers, screamed loudly and whistled to disturb the prayer.”

Zacks added, “The police’s policy of not intervening is the main cause of the deterioration and the rise in the level of violence against us from month to month. The move from verbal violence to whistling, violence and physical assault stems directly from the indifference and disregard of the police.”

The head of the movement, Anat Hoffman, added that “the lawlessness that is being waged in Kosel Plaza, under the direction of the Kosel Heritage Foundation, stems from the fact that the security guards have no training and there is no motivation to allow the women of WoW a proper prayer environment.”

A member of WoW’s administration and attorney Riki Shapira-Rosenberg said, “Rioters violate the public order and the sensitivities of the women who pray and intentionally prevent them from the right to freedom of worship, while degrading the sanctity of the place”.

“Despite repeated requests to the police, the department continues to ignore and refrains from performing its duty to protect the worshipers, despite the fact that these offenses amount to between three and five years in prison. The policy of police contributes to the sharp increase in the level of the violence, which in today’s case led to the injuring of two women”, Shapira-Rosenberg said.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

    This chanukah I came up with an idea which is developing over the last week. This is especially helpful if you want to light and can’t be around the entire night to watch the Menorah. I fill my glass cups with approximately 2/3 of water and top it off with oil. I was inspired by the way it is done in our home for the Shabbos Licht. Initially I thought to save oil. But then it dawned on me that the lights don’t need to be going all night and it allows me to go to sleep on time so I can be up for minyan the next morning. In past years I sat until 1am watching and waiting. Think about it and if works for you then try this on the last night of Chanukah!

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