WATCH: Despicable Iran-Loving, Holocaust-Denying Neturei Karta Protests Jerusalem As Capital Of Israel


Neturei Karta activists were very busy the past few days, travelling from protest to protest to spread its anti-Israel message that is so extreme, it only finds favor among Israel’s most heinous enemies who call for the destruction of the Jewish state.

They were protesting the recent U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

In the attached videos, NK leader Yisroel Dovid (Achmed) Weiss goes on Iranian TV – which daily calls for Israel to be wiped off the map and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism around the world.

They also held events in New York City, Washinghton DC, Montreal and Patterson, NJ.

Neturei Karta has in the past met with and embraced (literally kissed) world leaders who call for the destruction of Israel, such as former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

11 Responses

  1. At least the Satmar have the decency and common sense to keep their views on R’ Yolish’s shita on the “Zionist state” in the family and at their own asifahs. These NK truly risk Jewish blood with their mindless antics.

  2. This is pure lies, Neturei Karta never denied the holacaust. In fact they defended it at the convention in Iran. You can disagree with there policies but in the end of the day these are ehrliche yidden and are not “despicable”

  3. these guys are seriously ill I mean sick like sick in the brain & that Weiss guy not ganna call him rabbi is a first class BT he would’ve been better off staying non Jewish causing such a chillul hashem Weiss rest in pieces your a disgrace to humanity

  4. So to those who defend these guys or their views, I have no problem what they or you might think about this topic. But how in the world can it make sense to you to defend how they act upon it! Can you give me ONE reason how at the very least this isnt a Chilul Hashem? Or one reason why this is a good idea to do in public?

  5. What I don’t understand is all the paranoid name-calling by people when they know perfectly well that the Neturei Karta activists are only about 10 – 20 individuals. What is the big deal anyway? Do we have some kind of anti-democratic mass censorship mentality requiring absolutely every Jew to be like robots and conform to a single worldview? All because of 10 – 20 people?????
    The constant harping about exile makes no sense at all. Is he trying to convince non-Jews to understand the principles of Golus and Geulah more than Jews themselves? Non-Jews don’t understand and don’t care about Exile.
    And they are incorrect in comparing the few protests of frum Jews with the wars inflicted on millions of Palestinians. It trivializes what Arabs feel about what happened to them since 1967.
    On the other hand, Weiss and Feldman are absolutely wrong by quoting Rabbi Dushinsky in 1947 since at that time no one cared what Palestinians felt about Jerusalem, so why not give it to the UN? Makes no sense.

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