UN Security Council To Convene On Friday Following US Declaration, Palestinians Demand Action

At the request of eight of the fifteen members nations, the United Nations Security Council is scheduled to convene on Friday, 21 Kislev, to discuss the declaration made by US President Donald Trump recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

The request to convene the council came from Bolivia, Egypt, France, Italy, Senegal, Sweden, United Kingdom, and Uruguay.

The Council adopted a resolution in December of 2016, “underlines that it will not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 boundaries, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties through negotiations.” The resolution passed with 14 votes with the US abstaining.

The Palestinians are asking the U.N. Security Council to take urgent action and demand that President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel be rescinded.

Palestinian Charge d’Affaires Feda Abdelhady-Nasser said in a letter to the council president that Trump’s declaration violates numerous council resolutions and could lead to “a never-ending religious war.”

The letter cites several council resolutions that prohibit changes to the status of Jerusalem.

Abdelhady-Nasser urged the Security Council to send “a clear message” reaffirming relevant laws and resolutions and “opposing this unilateral and provocative decision.”

She warned that disregarding “these fundamental legal, political and religious dimensions of the question of Jerusalem can only aggravate already heightened tensions.”

Trump’s decision could lead to the “exacerbation of religious sensitivities that risk transforming this solvable political-territorial conflict into a never-ending religious war, which will only be exploited by religious extremists, fueling radicalism and strife in the region and beyond,” Abdelhady-Nasser warned.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. So tell us, is it better for the U.N. to continue to recognise the Palastinian Authority and Abbas, both who advocate terror and support the families of dead or imprisoned terrorists over a free, democratic and peaceful wanting nation?
    President Trump was not speaking for any nation except The United States. He didn’t stuff any ideas or demands down the throats of the 14 nations who voted in 2016.
    To all the nations who are demanding that President Trump rescind his decision, go crawl back into your mindless hole unless you want to wake up and realize that the PA and their offshoots do not want peace any any price except with a world of dead Jews.

  2. Do they seriously think the USA will do anything except veto any resolution? N Obama Esq is no longer president!

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