Police Foil Islamic Terror Plot To Kill British PM Theresa May

British media are reporting that two men due in court on terror charges plotted to assassinate Prime Minister Theresa May.

The plan reportedly involved first detonating a bomb at the security gates outside Downing Street, where the prime minister’s office is, before going on to launch a stabbing attack on May.

The plan was “in essence an extreme Islamist suicide plot against Downing Street,” Sky News reported.

10 Downing Street is the location of the prime minister’s office.

The prime minister’s spokesman declined to discuss the details of the alleged plot, but several newspapers have reported that two young men arrested in London and Birmingham last week were making preparations to kill May.

Scotland Yard, military intelligence security service MI5 and West Midlands Police reportedly had been investigating the plot for “several weeks.”

The two men who were arrested on Nov. 28 for the foiled plot are Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, of north London, and Mohammed Aqib Imran, 21, of Birmingham, according to a Metropolitan Police news release.

Both Rahman and Imran were charged with the intention of committing acts of terrorism and are expected to appear in Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

(YWN / AP)

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