1,400 Pages Of Gemara Trump $30,000 For An Aliyah!

Many shuls around the world customarily sell the mitzvos (Aliyos and other Kibbudim) ahead of Yomim Tovim, including Yom Kippur. Some people pay handsome sums for mitzvos, especially those wishing to honor great rabbonim and talmidei chachamim.

The event in Yeshivas Chochmei Yerushalayim in Beit Shemesh attracted the interest of media personalities Yorach Tucker and Shimon Breitkopf via Twitter.

An announcement was posted that the yeshiva would be selling the mitzvos ahead of Yomtov and one of the former talmidim wished to buy an aliyah for $30,000. To the surprise of the givir, one of the talmidim wanted to buy the very same aliya and he was willing to commit to learning 1,400 pages of Gemara to pay for it. The matter was given over to the rosh yeshiva to render a decision.

To the surprise of many, the rosh yeshiva ruled the aliyah should go too talmid for his commitment to learn the 1,400 pages of Gemara and not to the givir willing to pay $30,000, for the rosh yeshiva felt the commitment to the limud surpassed the generosity of the givir.

Needless to add the example set for the talmidim was priceless.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Did you say Trump paid $30,000 for an Aliya! : )

    Just kidding, that’s wonderful, shows chashivus of Torah over monetary gain. The fellow who offered the 30,000 should make the donation anyway to such a worthy Makom Torah.

  2. Many of the talmidim at Yeshivas Chochmei Yerushalayim have finished Shas at least once. Many more than once. The most recent one is a 16 year old. The Yeshiva exists to provide a place for anyone who wants to learn Torah. No one is forced to learn or meet any sort of quota but the talmidim set for themselves their own goals and standards. Each one for himself. Furthermore the learning is not just bekius but mostly eyun. These talmidim know their stuff in depth. The Yeshiva has a Yeshiva Katana and hopes to open a talmid torah.

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