Rav Of The Kosel: Today, On Rosh Chodesh, All Red Lines Have Been Crossed

“Today, Rosh Chodesh Elul, all red lines have bene crossed. They [attempted to] smuggled in Sifrei Torah literally wrapped around their bodies and more – and all this for what?” asks Kosel Rav Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz on Wednesday, 1 Elul.

After Women of the Wall (WoW) succeeded in bringing a Sefer Torah into the Kosel on Wednesday, the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, a riot began when chareidi women decried their desecration of the Kosel. The chareidi women blew whistles and created a disturbance that impacted all in the area.

Rabbi Rabinowitz attacked both sides, stating, “The physical altercation between the sides at the Kosel was a shocking site. Today, Rosh Chodesh Elul, all red lines have been crossed. They snuck in holy Sifrei Torah wrapped around their bodies literally, hiding whistles in private parts, and all for what? In the name of a holy civil war waging at the Kosel”.

The rav continues, “Ushers at the Kosel are skilled in providing assistance to mispallalim at the Kosel and not ins dispersing protests. We do not have the means to control the minority of zealots who wish to sow destruction at the Kosel. I praise those mispallalim who were not drawn into the machlokes of the provocations held during tefilla on Rosh Chodesh but continue the tefilla without interruption. These events are an awful Chilul Hashem and this is the time for teshuva”.

In the rabbi’s words, blowing of the shofar today was not a call to teshuva and awakening but a call to war between Jews.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. the disgusting Women off the Wall deliberately try to provoke people in order to get more attention for their desecration of the holy site.

    The neither keep shabbat, kashrut, or other mitzvot nor do they pray during the month. They really do NOT believe in G-d. Rather they desire to punish G-d fearing people and force us to suffer from American culture values instead of Torah values.

    HaShem will punish them eventually.

  2. Why are the Reform Hellenists still permitted to disrupt Rosh Chodesh prayers?Why aren’t they escorted by the police to “their” section that cost Israeli taxpayers millions of shekels?

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