PHOTOS: Uman Eruv Damaged In Anti-Semitic Act


Residents of Uman as Shabbos closed in realized that once again, the eruv was down. They summoned persons from Ichud Breslov to make the necessary repairs so the mehadrin eruv was operating for Shabbos.

Ichud Breslov officials report that local residents are vandalizing the eruv in an act of anti-Semitism.

Ichud Breslov released a statement on motzei Shabbos, “Unfortunately, this is a well-known phenomenon of cutting the eruv wires, and at the last Shabbos we were forced to act swiftly to correct the eruv in line with halacha in order to prevent visitors and residents of Uman from carrying on Shabbos chas v’sholom. Workers followed the route of the eruv to ensure that the eruv was OK, as there were already incidents in which the eruv cable was damaged during the Shabbos and we immediately updated the visitors at the tziyun of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov ZT”L ZY”A to avoid Chilul Shabbos.

The photos show the torn eruv and repairs taking place.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: News 24)

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