Is A Terrorist Release Deal In The Works? Bayit Yehudi Leader Bennet Is Opposed

There are rumors floating that a terrorist release is in the works in exchange for Israel receiving information regarding Israelis held in Gaza. There are reports of a deal in the works in the Arab media, including the Lebanese al-Akbar newspaper. The reports quote Hamas officials stating a final deal is close, which will include Israel’s release of terrorists in exchange for information. Israel will release 25 terrorists within three months for information on the bodies of IDF soldiers Lt. Hadar Goldin HY”D and Sgt. Shaul Oren HY”D. information is also promised pertaining to Israelis Avraham Mengistu and Hassem a-Said, Jumah Abu-Anima.

While Israel has declared Goldin and Oren dead, Hamas insists on bundling them all together.

The report stated that Israel will then release additional terrorists in stage 2 of the deal. Among those who will be released are Marwan Barghouti and Ahmed Sa’adat. Barghouti heads the Fatah Tanzim and is serving multiple life sentences and Sa’adat is head of the Popular Front terror organization. Sa’adat is directly linked to the assassination of Minister Rechavam Ze’evi HY”D.

Commenting on the rumors, Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennet on Sunday, 15 Tammuz, told the media “We mustn’t release live terrorists for information on dead Israelis. We must turn up the pressure on Hamas so it realizes it does not play to hold onto the bodies.

“Abduction should be a burden rather than an asset,” Bennet continued. “Hamas terrorists who were released in the Shalit deal returned and murdered many Jews, and Hamas leader Yahya Sanwar, who was also released in the Shalit deal, is completely engaged in planning the murder of Jews.

The Goldin family responded to the reports and said: “We, as a family, have not received any official Israeli report of any contacts and therefore we continue to carry prayers for Hadar’s return.” According to their statements, they “receive the information only from official Israeli sources. We must not be played by Hamas and its disinformation system.”

“We were exposed to development in the media only and we do not know at all whether this is correct information,” the Shaul family said.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. And of course if they vote to release them Bennett will stay in the Gov just as he has done before, Bennett is a failed Esther.

  2. Stupid and evil!!!
    They have so many other tools available to them yet, but for political purposes will not use it. Such as, NO visits to any Arab prisoner! Less food to them….

    The world may scream… but I don’t see them screaming when Israelites are torched or held hostage.

    But Bibi and his ilk would rather look good in the eyes of the goiyim than acting in the best interests of HIS FELOW JEWS

    What a disgrace!!

  3. There are really no words to describe how bad this is! They’re gonna release terrorists in exchange for INFORMATION??!! gGive the arabs information about the terrorists in exchange for information about the Israelis! They really are stupid! Shame on them for releasing even a single arab terrorist. They should kill them and release dead bodies in exchange for dead bodies.

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