These 8 Yesomim And Almanah Are Depending On You!

A young man was tragically Niftar leaving behind 8 grieving Yesomim and an Almanah, with one daughter a Kallah who is just weeks before her Chasunah.

This young man, who was R”L sick for just a short time, spent his days as a Magid Shiur in two prominent Yeshivos, being Mechanech the next generation of Klal Yisroel. But not only did he give his days away for his Talmidim, but also gave every spare second of his days and nights as he served as the Gabbai to the Loitzker Rebbe (brother of the Stoliner Rebbe) – never taking a salary for his work.

Please open your hearts and pockets and please give generously!

The following is a letter written by one of the Yesomim:

Tatty, Tatty, Why Have You Left Us?

Oy, Tatty, Tatty…Mommy is crying all day; the children are all just crying all the time.

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Tatty, I am in so much pain over losing you that I can hardly get up on the morning. I am torn with longing for you when I remember how you would wake me up in the morning with a gentle smile on your face, as you whispered softly to me, “Wake up my little Malach and Tzaddik, it’s time to get up to another beautiful day. Get up quickly, Hashem is waiting for you to daven and to learn Torah.”

Tatty, Perry told me that she dreamed that you were waking her up like you used to every day, and you told her, “Pere’le, my darling, it’s time to get up and go happily to school to daven to Hashem and learn well.” She said that when she refused to get up, you held out your hand, and she grabbed it with both of her hands. “I began to cry, Tatty, Tatty, are you really here with us? I refused to let go of his hand even when I realized that it was only a dream.” That’s what Perry told me.

Tatty, little Chaya’le doesn’t stop crying since you left us, and she refuses to go to sleep at night until you come tell her a story and sing her to sleep, like you always used to.

Tatty, since you’ve been gone, the house has stopped living. Mommy gathers all the children together in the evening and tries to give us chizuk, but right now, she really isn’t up to it. Even she breaks down crying constantly.

Tatty, during the shivah, so many good people came to the house to offer Mommy and the children chizuk. They told us what a tzaddik you were, how kind you were. They brought us lots of food, but our appetite seemed to have died with you. A day passed, and then another, and there was no choice. We had to eat and drink. Mommy asked me to buy a healthy lunch at a nearby restaurant; she still doesn’t have energy to cook. She gave me a credit card and I trudged towards the restaurant. I was afraid that maybe the card wouldn’t work. In the end I selected the food to buy for everyone, but I tried to keep it to a minimum, to make sure that the card would charge. I went to the register and hoped that everything would be alright. My heart was pounding so hard. The person at the register swiped the card and I stared at the wall, hoping that it would pass. Then a few seconds passed, that really felt like eternity, and then the man said to me quietly, “I’m sorry, son, but the card doesn’t work. But because you are an orphan, this time I’ll let you go and you don’t have to pay. But remember that it’s only this time.” I wanted to just run away from there. I was so embarrassed as I walked to the door. As soon as I was outside, I began to run to the shul, and when I got there, I went straight to the aron kodesh. I felt like I was falling apart. I began to cry and wail, and I screamed to Hashem that I don’t want Mommy and the children to be so miserable and I never want to experience what just happened in the restaurant again. I thought in horror about what would be the next morning, when I would go to the grocery instead of you. My crying grew louder and more uncontrolled, and then I remembered that soon, in the winter, Faigy is getting married. Aside for huge debts from the medical expenses from eleventh months of your illness, there isn’t a penny at home.

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Tatty, I plead with you. You’re in Shamayim. Ask Hashem to give us the strength to continue in the path you set for us, to give strength to Mommy and the children, and to send us at least food to eat and clothes so that we won’t feel like such poor, pitiful people. Most important are the expenses for Faigy’s wedding. Tatty, you won’t be able to walk her down to the chuppah, but at least daven for us for mercy from Hashem that the chasunah should take place at a good time, that everyone should be happy, and that nothing should be lacking.

Thank you, Tatty, for listening to me.
I love you so very much and miss you more than I can describe.


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