PM Netanyahu: What Are You Afraid Of?

The following is a translation of an Op-Ed written by Deputy Minister of Education Meir Porush, appearing on the front page of the Sunday, 8 Tammuz HaMevaser newspaper.

Deputy Minister Porush’s Op-Ed:

The prime minister is gripped by fear of Reform elements and decided to freeze the Conversion Law and ordered not to advance legislative proceedings in the matter of the law until he receives the recommendations in six months from the committee that he appointed.

And I wonder, Prime Minister: You remain firm in the face strong pressures in by those who ask why you do not insist on construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron, and you continue; rightly so, to insist that there be Jewish construction in all areas. Yet, you are kneeling from those elements when they scream against the principles of Judaism?

You stand firm against different forces who want to drag Israel into negotiations again with the Palestinians. You understand that standing on the principles that are most important to the interests of the state is important. But you fall into the trap set by those same factors exactly when they fight against Toras Moshe?

You insist on your right not to meet with the German Foreign Ministry, despite the political damage after he met with leftist elements, and you are now afraid of left-wing Reform elements who seek to harm all that is holy to the Jewish People and Yiddishkheit throughout the generations. You fear them?

You also stood bravely against the President of the United States Obama and his constant attempts to hurt In Israel’s positions, because you knew they were against Israel’s political and security interests. Any now you are frightened even though they are trying to harm vital interests of Judaism?

You won again 30 seats in the last elections, even though everyone was against you. You have a mandate to manage the state, and you have a coalition in which you are a partner today The Yahadut Hatorah faction is also involved. The faction gives the full backing when required. If it is in law Regulation or Nationality Law. The party is there when requested when principles of Yiddishkheit are not compromised or harmed. And when they need your help and assistance, to remain steadfast – you retreat?

They are afraid! What are you afraid of?

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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