Four Mispallalim Arrested After Visiting The Tziyun Of Yehoshua Bin Nun

Four mispallalim who entered a PA (Palestinian Authority) village without authorization to daven at the kevarim of Yehoshua Bin Nun and Kalev Ben Yefune were arrested. The kevarim are located in Kifl Haris in the Shomron, not far from Ariel.

The suspects taken into custody told police officials that there is a district court ruling on the matter, permitting mispallalim to visit the holy sites.

The suspects were taken to the police station in Ariel. Police explain the IDF Central District Commander recently issued an order banning Jews from the location. The order was given to circumvent the district court ruling which states there is no prohibition in visiting and davening at the site, which is an area “B” designation under the Oslo Agreements, which means Jews should be permitted access without having to coordinate in advance.

Honenu is representing the suspects in custody.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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