Meron’s Chief Rabbi: The City Will Be Locked Until After Shabbos

Meron Chief Rabbi Meir Stern Shlita continues to warn against chilul Shabbos this year as Lag B’Omer begins on Motzei Shabbos. The rav called to delay lighting bonfires much later than events are going to agree, with the lighting of the bonfire by the Boyaner Rebbe at 1:15AM motzei Shabbos.

As far as the city’s rav is concerned, the gates of the city will be locked when Shabbos begins and they will remain locked to all until afternoon Shabbos, and this he explains police and other emergency agencies. Rav Stern explains this will make no difference to police, as they have announced they have no need or plans to be mechalel Shabbos.

Rabbi Stern basis this on the meeting which took place in the home of the Boyaner Rebbe Shlita and Police Chief Roni Alsheich. During the meeting, the rebbe agreed to postpone the lighting for a second time as Alsheich promised if the rebbe waits until 1:15AM, there will not be an Israel Police chilul Shabbos.

Rabbi Stern however did not want festivities to begin before 4:00AM. This being the case however, Rabbi Stern announced gates will be closed and there will not be an excuse for police and others to be involved in chilul Shabbos as per the promises made to the rebbe by the department’s chief. Rabbi Stern adds that obviously, exceptions will be made in cases of pikuach nefesh.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Meron is not a city, it is a large village. The Boyaner Rebbe usually stays nearby when lag b’omer is right after Shabbos. The problem is the enormous numbers who come. There is no infrastructure which could handle transporting huge numbers unless they build a train to Meron.

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