VIDEO/PHOTOS: Journalist Guy Hochman Apologizes For Video Besmirching The Chareidi Tzibur


It was reported that journalist Guy Hochman was fired from ‘Reshet’ along with a colleague who assisted him in preparing a video that shows chareidim being disrespectful to the national flag in Bnei Brak on Independence Day. It was established shortly following the release of the video that it was bogus, doctored, leading to the firing of Hochman and his associate.

Guy Hochman is seen in the studio with Avi Maimon of Kol Berama Radio studio, and during the interview, he announced “I have nothing against the chareidim. I erred, nothing more and I am apologizing”.

Kahan: We must judge by future actions to determine if indeed, this is all behind us.

In the accompanying video, we see and hear Hochman, who apologizes for his actions. He returned to the scene of the crime, Bnei Brak’s Rabbi Akiva Street, to record the video.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. “I have nothing against the chareidim. I erred, nothing more and I am apologizing”.

    Rubbish! Sheker!
    He deliberately went ahead and fabricated a lie to negatively portray all Chareidim!!!!
    Sounds like a dangerous fellow!

  2. @YesOrNo – It’s possible that he really doesn’t have anything against Chareidim. However, the pressure to “get ahead” in the media business in Israel is so great and bashing Chareidim is such an easy vehicle to use to get that “headline news” that he succumbed to it and in the end got burnt. I doubt he would have gotten fired if not for the sake that the truth came out. At that point Reshet fired him to save face. It’s even possible that they were the ones that sent him to fabricate this fake news. That just the way things are here in Israel.

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