SHOCK: Jewish Woman Pushed to her death by Arab Neighbor in France

Police in Paris are investigating a 27-year-old Arab man on suspicion that he murdered his neighbor Lucy Halimi, a 66-year-old Jewish Charedi woman, following a confrontation in her apartment.

Mrs. Halimi’s body was found on the street beneath her third-floor apartment Tuesday morning at approximately 4:00 a.m. Halimi lived in her apartment alone. One of her children lives in Israel while two other daughters live in France.

According to suspicions, the man, who is already known to the police, pushed her to her death from her apartment which was located on the third floor of the building.

Neighbors reportedly testified that they had heard the suspect shouting that he wanted to kill Halimi just before the incident. Others reported reports state that the suspect stabbed the woman in her bed while yelling” Allah Akbar and then pushed her from the third floor.

Mrs. Halimi lived in Paris’ 11th district, which is home to a large population of immigrants from North Africa and is one of the most densely populated areas of the city.

A levayah was held on Wednesday afternoon in Paris.

Mrs. Halimi A’H also lived near the site of the 2015 shooting at the Bataclan Theater that claimed the lives of 131 victims and wounded many others.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes….

7 Responses

  1. I still don’t get why do Jews still live in France? Look how much anti Semitism and hatred is going on? I know it’s very hard to just pick up and leave but is that a reason to 50% kill yourself?

  2. ה’ ינקום דמה. And give Her innocent Survivors proper strength to overcome this horrible and painful tragedy, and she should be the מיליצה ישרה that כלל ישראל is for so long waiting for, Hashem himself אני ולא מלאך Should rescue his chosen people/children.

  3. The person Y’mach Sh’mum who murdered her has now sealed his own fate. What a fool he is to think God approves of his actions. God will make sure the exact same act will be done to him in due time measure for measure, pain for pain, wound for wound. Amen.

  4. Lucy Halimi הי”ד will share a unique place in גן-עדן with Horav אריה Levine זצ”ל since she arrived their on his 48th יארצייט. As for the heinous murderer, also push him off from a 3rd floor balcony.

  5. Oy, BD”H. I remembered the name Halimi from a previous terror incident in France.

    Ilan Halimi was a young French Jewish man of Moroccan descent who was kidnapped on 21 January 2006 by a group called the Gang of Barbarians and subsequently tortured, over a period of three weeks, resulting in his death.

    Hashem yinkom damam!

  6. May G-d avenge her blood, and the blood of all Jewish martyrs. Hopefully, French Jews will make aliyah en masses in the coming couple of years, so they can live proudly as Jews in their real homeland.

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