Agudath Israel Halacha Conference set to open

agudah logo2.jpgMore than five hundred Orthodox professionals and members of the business community are expected to participate in an Agudath Israel of America-sponsored halacha conference, scheduled to take place this Sunday, June 3, at the New York Marriott in Brooklyn.

 The full-day symposium – the latest in a series of halacha conferences organized by Agudath Israel’s Torah Projects Commission – will feature presentations by noted halachic authorities and expert panelists in the business, accounting, legal, medical and mental health fields. As in previous years, the conference program will be structured to include case studies of particular halachic and ethical dilemmas.

The accounting “track” sessions include, “Advising Clients on Halachic Matters,” presented by Rabbi Hershel Welcher and chaired by Yisroel Blumenfrucht; “Evaluating Business Transactions through an Halachic Lens,” presented by Rabbi Moshe M. Lowy and chaired by Heshy Katz; and “Being an ‘Halachic’ Accountant,” presented by Rabbi Yosef Viener and chaired by Yosef Leshkowitz. “Challenges Facing the Orthodox Accountant,” will be presented by Rabbi Yisroel Reisman and panelists Naftoli Hirsch, Dovid Teichman, and Mel Zachter.

The attorneys track will include “Contracts: Halacha Issues,” presented by Rabbi Chaim Kohn and Rabbi Ari Marburger and chaired by Phillip Benedict; “Issues in Client Representation,” presented by Rabbi Pinchus Breuer and chaired by Simcha Schonfeld; and “When Halacha and the Law Conflict,” presented by Rabbi Moshe Heinemann and chaired by Ron Coleman. “Challenges Facing the Orthodox Attorney,” will be presented by Rabbi Yaakov Reisman and panelists Eric Stern, Jonathan Sperling and Chaim Dovid Zwiebel.

The physicians track will include “Halachic Concerns Regarding Advancements in the Treatment of Infertility,” presented by Rabbi Noach I. Oelbaum and chaired by Dr. Steven Schuster; “Addressing the New Genetic Horizons – Halachic Challenges,” presented by Rabbi J. David Bleich and chaired by Dr. Martin Katzenstein. “Challenges Facing the Orthodox Physician,” will be presented by Rabbi Yaakov Weiner and panelists Dr.Yaakov Finestone, Dr. Marshall Keilson and Dr.Edward Lebovics.

“Revisiting End of Life Issues in Light of Technological Advancements,” a joint session for  attorneys and physicians, will be presented by Rabbi J. David Bleich and chaired by Jonathan Rikoon and Dr. Irving Lebovics.

The mental health track sessions include “The Impact of Halacha on Therapy and Therapists,” presented by Rabbi Dovid Cohen and chaired by Dr. Steve Gersten and Dr. Marcel Biberfeld. (Double Session); and “Issues of Disclosure: Halachic Paremeters,” presented by Rabbi Moshe M. Lowy and chaired by Dr. Meir Wikler. “Challenges Facing the Orthodox Mental Health Professional,” will be presented by Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzburg, Rabbi Moshe Bleich and panelists Dr. Benzion Twerski, Simcha Feuerman, and Dovid Kohn.

The business track will include “Timely Discharging of Financial Obligations – An Halachic Overview,” presented by Rabbi Label Wulliger and chaired by Moshe Feuer; “Hilchos Shabbos in the Business World,” presented by Rabbi Chaim Kohn and chaired by Naftali Leshkowitz; and “Working as a Professional, Working as a Jew,” presented by Rabbi Baruch Hirschfeld and chaired by Jonathan Schiff. “Challenges in the World of Business,” will be presented by Rabbi Aaron Zuckerman and panelists Itche Rosenbaum, Leon Goldenberg and Aron Tessler

The keynote luncheon session will be presented by Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon and chaired by Gedaliah Weinberger and Shlomo Gottesman.

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