Neo-Nazi Publisher Has Deadline To Disclose Whereabouts

The publisher of a neo-Nazi website has until next week to notify a federal magistrate of his whereabouts as part of a lawsuit accusing him of orchestrating an anti-Semitic trolling campaign against a Montana family, a federal judge has ruled.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeremiah Lynch issued an order Wednesday giving Andrew Anglin until Feb. 16 to tell the court where he is living.

Montana real estate agent Tanya Gersh sued Anglin in April, saying she was threatened and harassed after he published her personal information on his website, The Daily Stormer.

Anglin’s attorneys have filed a motion to dismiss the case, saying the court does not have jurisdiction over Anglin who is “not a citizen of any state.” As part of that motion, he offered to tell the court where he was.

Gersh’s lawyers counter that Anglin is playing a “childish game of hide-and-seek” to avoid the legal consequences of his actions.

Anglin’s court filings say he left his home state of Ohio in 2013 and has lived in Greece and Cambodia, but he temporarily left Cambodia and could not “for reasons of personal safety” publicly disclose his whereabouts. He said he has received credible death threats because of the website he publishes.

Gersh’s lawsuit said her family received a barrage of emails, phone calls and other messages after Anglin published their personal information that included her 12-year-old son’s Twitter handle and photo.

Gersh says she was targeted after the mother of Richard Spencer — a leading figure in the white nationalist movement — accused Gersh of harassing her into selling property in Whitefish.

Gersh’s lawsuit said she agreed to help the woman sell commercial property amid talk of a protest outside the building.


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