EarthKosher Releases Statement Following Sudden Passing Of Rav Zushe Blech Z’L

EarthKosher painfully mourns the sudden passing of our Rav Hamachshir and mentor, Rabbi Zushe Blech z”l.

Rabbi Blech z”l was an extraordinary, humble person who utilized his vast knowledge and expertise to benefit the entire world of Kashrus, both consumers and professionals alike.

We will forever remember his sage counsel and guidance and will continue his legacy of maintaining standards of Kashrus based upon strict adherence to halacha and yashrus.

EarthKosher would like to acknowledge the numerous Kashrus agencies that have reached out to provide immediate assistance and resources while we actively seek a new Senior Kashrus Administrator.

Rabbi Yehuda Goldman, who has served as COO under Rabbi Blech z”l since 2013, will act as the interim Kashrus Administrator. He will be consulting with major Kashrus agencies to ensure standards and policies are maintained as needed during this time.

EarthKosher will provide a further statement at a later date.

May Hashem comfort the family at this time of mourning and may we only share B’suros Tovos.

[Read statement from family of Rabbi Blech here]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. No need for my haskoma but yes we heard when we inquired about pesach hotels that he was very very very good and carefully. Yehi zichro baruch

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