HATE: 3 Public Menorahs Vandalized Near Atlantic City, NJ [VIDEO]


Margate City police have launched a hate crime investigation and are asking residents to keep their eyes open after three Menorahs were vandalized in public spaces this week, reported CBS Philly.

On Monday morning, a city electrician noticed damage to two menorahs provided by the municipality located at the city ball fields and pier along Amherst Avenue.

A third damaged menorah was reported outside of the Katz Jewish Community Center on Jerome Avenue.

The community center menorah had it’s arm broken off.  Another was knocked over with glasses broken around it, police said. At least one of the menorahs has been vandalized multiple times, according to NJ.com.

“Hanukah is a time when Jews overcame adversity and it’s a festival of lights. It’s a celebration so we don’t want to let this incident this single incident ruin the celebration of Hanukah,” says JCC CEO Jack Fox.

So far, there are no suspects.

The menorahs were repaired in time to light them again over Chanukah.

Margate City, which has a population of approximately 6,300, is about 5 miles from Atlantic City, the resort town in South Jersey.

(Nat Golden – YWN)


7 Responses

  1. Whilst recoiling from the antisemitic sentiments which underlie these acts, I really cannot see any virtue in placing menorahs in public places which are largely frequented by goyim.
    Chanucah should be a time for re-affirming our commitment to our distinct and separate way of life, not parading its symbols to the goyim.

  2. Stop displaying these menorahs everywhere! It provokes goyim and does not accomplish anything except show chabad pride. There is a pasuk saying not to provoke them and this keeps happening but they never learn.

  3. Actually a better idea than security cameras is just stop sticking these menorahs in every place possible and there wont be a problem.

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