RAGE! Man Holding Palestinian Flag Screaming ‘Allah Akbar’ Smashes Windows Of Glatt Kosher Store In Amsterdam [VIDEO]


A man wearing a “Kaffiya” and carrying a Palestinian flag smashed the windows of a Jewish restaurant in Amsterdam on Thursday morning. The man was screaming “Allah Akbar” as he smashed the windows – just hours after Trump announced that the US now recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Video footage of the incident show the man smashing the restaurant windows with a club and kicking them in. The footage from AT5 shows the man emerge from the restaurant with an Israeli flag.

As soon as he emerges from the store, two police officers overpowered him with pepper spray and arrested the 29-year-old male suspect.

‘We are disgusted,’ the Organization of Jewish Communities in The Netherlands said in a statement in response to the attack.

The attack was ‘an act of revenge, meant to instil fear, and is no less than an act of terror.’

11 Responses

  1. Why did the police arrest him? He was in the midst of committing an act of terror and violence. He should have been shot to death immediately.

    An organized act of terror requires investigation, to determine who orchestrated it. These isolated acts of rage do not require investigations, trials, or anything else. Just waste ’em.

  2. Just one quick question. Who were the people outside the store who were looking on? Why did they wait for him to first break the windows, then go inside? After he comes out, they finally tackle him to the ground. Why wait? Who knows what he could have done inside!

  3. This is what happens when animals refuse your right to exist. What hatred that animal was acting with such brutal force. One sad thing is these monsters stand by their word.
    Too bad though I mean they are just expressing themselves since they are such ” opressed victims”

  4. R”l here it begins, thank you trump. As if Jews don’t have enough worry about our enemies, he gives them a major reason to start up. H’ yerachaim.

  5. Why did the police just stand there and watch him and only arrest him after he destroyed everything?!
    Why didn’t they stop him??!!

  6. Yankelle:

    Are you a moron? This is not about smashing windows. It is about engaging in violence as an act of terror. There is no other way to handle these monsters other that extermination. If the law followed your thinking, he would get probation, pay for the windows, and be released. He will aim at human lives next, and you know that. I am thinking about consequences. It is far better to eliminate these bloodthirsty savages now than to wait until after they murder innocents.

  7. The police didn’t care enough to prevent him from smashing windows. THEY DID NOTHING UNTILL AFTER THE WINDOWS WERE SMASHED IN FRONT OF THEIR EYES. Europeans are notorious anti-Semites. They are not much better than anti-Semitic Muslims.

  8. Maybe the police were confident that, since his only weapon was a club, they could stop him from hurting anyone. By waiting until he caused actual property damage, they could ensure that he received a jail sentence.

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