Oregon Neo-Nazi Thug Hangs ‘Anti-Semitic Eclipse Signs’ On Highway

A Jewish family from Sacramento decided to drive to Oregon this week, to see Monday’s solar eclipse. But while driving on I-5, they were appalled to be greeted by vile anti-Semitic signs hanging on the Freeway.

Beth & Michael Dershowitz told the media that the first sign was somewhere south of Eugene. It said “UNJEW HUMANITY.” The couple says they were shaken but continued out of the rural area. They then saw another sign near Salem, where then then pulled over to the shoulder to take a picture.

The banners read, “UNJEW HUMANITY,” “Eclipse Whitey,” and “Jewish Financing Available,” according to media reports.

OregonLive reports that the signs seem to have been hung by 64-year-old Jimmy Marr, a Springfield neo-Nazi animal known for his public displays of racism and anti-Semitism.

Marr, who goes by the username @GenocideJimmy on twitter, seemed to take credit for the banners Sunday on social media.

Following multiple news reports, OregonLive says Marr tweeted Sunday that he bets Beth Dershowitz is “as fake as Anne Frank’s diary.” He didn’t respond to calls requesting comment left on his home answering machine. The message says, “Leave us a message after the tone. Tell us what you’re doing to fight white genocide.”

Angela Beers Seydel, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Department of Transportation says her agency also got a call yesterday about a sign near the intersection of Highway 34 and I-5 (south of Albany) and is in the process of removing them and making sure no other signs go up on overpasses.

Gov. Kate Brown condemned the action in a tweet Saturday afternoon.

“Hateful rhetoric like this has no place in our Oregon. We must stand together to ensure that Oregon is a welcoming & inclusive place to all,” she wrote.

It is interesting to note, that Twitter claims to be fighting hate and abuse on their platform, while they allow Jew-haters, racists, bigots, and terrorists to publish their hate freely.

Just two weeks ago, YWN reported about an angry artist that managed to get Twitter to remove hateful tweets – after publicly shaming them by writing them out in spray paint in front of the company’s German headquarters in Hamburg. Is that what it takes to get Twitter to remove hate?

(Charles Gross – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Trump will surely remind us that not all people who hang anti-Semitic signs are bad people and that there is plenty of hate on both sides.

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