Kiryat Yovel Parents Fighting For School Building For Girls – Fears Of Exposure To Radiation Result In Machlokes

It was over a year ago that Jerusalem City Hall officials objected to establishing a Beit Yaakov School in the Warburg plot in Kiryat Yovel, a decision that led to much anger among residents who insisted they are in dire need of space for a school for their children. The parents have been fighting an uphill battle for a school in their neighborhood to avoid having their children having to commute elsewhere.

The battle however continued and this led to the city renting a temporary building to serve as a school, located on Frank Street in Bayit Vegan, the building that to date served as Talmud Torah Achiezer.

Until the school enters its permanent structure, the city rented the former Yeshivas Be’er HaTorah building on HaPisgah Street in Bayit Vegan. Over recent months, work was done to modify it to accommodate the school’s needs.

However, parents have recently learned that there are cellular telephone antennas on the roof of the building and they fear this will place their children at risk. Parents active in the battle question how City Hall could even entertain placing hundreds of children in a building that hosts so many cellular telephone antennas on its roof. “It is not enough that [Jerusalem Mayor Nir] Barkat will not allocate a building for our children in Kiryat Yovel, but he wants to send them to a building in another community that poses hazards from antenna emissions”, said a parent active in the battle for another venue.

City Hall has yet to respond.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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