Schumer Statement on President Trump’s Delay in Moving U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer released the below statement after President Trump signed a waiver delaying the move of the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem:

“As someone who believes that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, I am deeply disappointed in President Trump’s decision. Will those who criticized President Obama for not moving the Embassy make their voices just as loud and just as strong when it comes to President Trump’s failure to move the Embassy?”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Hey Chuck. You should be more concerned about the hoards of cash your boss,Obama & the Democrat Party, gave to the Iranians in the dark of the night. Iran has promised to wipe Israel off the map r”l. If Iran carries out their threat, it won’t matter where the silly Embassy is located.

  2. While the embassy was supposed to have been moved to Jerusalem since 1995, Clinton, Bush and Obama were opposed to the move. On the other hand, President Trump was ready to move it but the PM of Israel Netanyahu is opposed to the move. Why should President Trump force Netanyahu to it, Huju?

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