Tragic Petira Of 11-Year-Old Dovi Sass Z’L Who Was Struck By Baseball last Week

candle914YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of 11-year-old Dovi Sass Z”L, who was struck in the head by a baseball last week.

As YWN had reported, Dovi was playing baseball near his home in Edmonton, Canada, when the horrible tragedy occurred.

Tens of thousands of people were Mispallel for his recovery, and people donated Tzedakah in the merit of his speedy recovery. A campaign was launched on The Chesed Fund to raise money for Hachnosas Kallah in his Zechus. Klal Yisroel in its incredible act of caring for another Jew in pain donated $65,000 in just FOUR days. More than 950 people – most of whom do not know this precious Neshama or his family – donated graciously in his merit. This money will surely be a Zechus for his Neshama, as he ascends to Shomayim.

Unfortunately, despite doctors trying everything they could to stabilize him, his Neshama was taken from this world early Friday morning.

The Levaya will take place on Sunday at 2:00PM in Brooklyn at Shomrei Hadas Chapels, located on 39th Street and 14th Avenue.

Dovi is the son of Rabbi Dovid and Shoshana Sass. Reb Dovid is the principal in the local Yeshiva.

Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes….

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. MY first reaction when I saw the headline was , I started to cry. Baruch Dayan Haemes. May the family know from only Simchas in life. I’m so sorry.

  2. BDE

    This is just tragic just truly horrific & sad!

    look at these latest records of how many innocent children & infants were niftar in just the previous months alone R”L

    May-7 June-9 July-12 August-7 September-7
    with hundreds more-all on records-niftar before this just in the last few years alone R”L

    COULD this really be true? could we still be living in Denial today & just watching these tragedies occur 1 after the next without us brothers waking up together with accepting Hashems wake-up call for teshuva?

    Find these numbers to hard to believe? just leave your email address & you will be emailed a full complete list of hundreds of innocent children & infants niftar in strange & tragic ways with all dates & ages included R”L

    will this tragedy be the final one? will we finally wake up & do TESHUVA together as a nation? YOU in the gift of free-will get to decide that. i.e. theres no one to blame but ourselves-myself included

    may his neshama have an aliya

    may his family have a nechama together with klal yisroel

    i will be sitting shiva for my loving brethren until tuesday evening in the YWN coffeeroom at

  3. BD”E. So tragic, my heart goes out to his family & friends. Is Kevura in Brooklyn or in Israel? Because if it is here, I would like to see if I can go pay my respects.

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