TRAGEDY: R’ Dovid Winiarz Z”L Of Staten Island R”L Killed In ‘Ice-Storm Crash’ In Maryland

candle914The Staten Island Frum community of Willowbrook is in shock Sunday morning, upon learning of the tragic Petira of Reb Dovid Winiarz Z”L. As YWN had reported earlier, R’ Dovid was involved in a serious crash in Maryland early Sunday morning, during the ice storm which paralyzed the tri-state area.

A Misaskim spokesperson tells YWN that the accident happened on Route 23 and High Point Road in Hartford Maryland. Three other occupants of the vehicle – reportedly all residents of New Jersey – were injured and taken to local hospitals. Their exact conditions were still unknown. R’ Dovid was a passenger in the vehicle which reportedly hit a patch of black-ice while travelling to the AJOP Convention which is taking place at the Hunt Valley Inn Baltimore, MD.

R’ Dovid was known for his amazing acts of Chesed, and was heavily involved in running the local Bikur Cholim and Tomchei Shabbos is Staten Island. He was deeply involved in Kiruv as well, and brought many people back to their roots.

Reb Winiarz leaves behind his wife and 10 children – 7 of them unmarried.

In an absolutely tragic and shocking twist to the already tragic story, are his last two posts on Facebook which were made on Motzei Shabbos (posted below).

The first post reads “I will be travelling Motzei Shabbos/Saturday nite with the encouragement of my wife and children to a convention in Baltimore …….. If I am delayed in replying to messages…please bear with me”.

The last post he made reads “Before I leave on my road trip I came to learn Torah with my son and his friend…” (at an Avos Ubanim program). Attached to the post is a video of his son reading a Dvar Torah on this weeks Parsha.

Misaskim is working closely with the Baltimore Jewish Community’s local representative to the Medical Examiner’s office who, in turn, is working with the Hartford County Police Department and the Maryland State Police to ensure the proper Kavod Haniftar is provided.


Levaya information will be published as soon as it becomes available to us.

Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes…



(Chaim Shaprio – YWN)




24 Responses

  1. It’s being reported on his well known Facebook page that R’ Dovid Winiarz of Staten Island was the victim that was niftar… Boruch Dayan Ha’Emes!!!

  2. I have heard from reliable sources that the niftar was the most beloved R’ Dovid Winiarz also known as the Facebuker Rebbe. He was on his way to the AJOP convention. The tzar is so great and the loss is even greater!

  3. Its a Tragedy when this happens to any decent person, our fellow Human Being.

    We must show HKB”H that we have the sincere empathy and compassion for every decent Human Being, then Hashem will stop bringing on to us all this Anti-Semitism.

  4. He was one of the finest human beings I have ever had the pleasure of being associated with. The man received such joy from helping others, and I am proud to have called him my friend. Boruch Dayan Ha’Emes!!!

  5. Does anyone know if this he used to be known as David Winiarz and went to Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim (TIUNY) in Rochester NY?

  6. Reb Dovid ztl was my brother. He lived to serve hashem though a successful business man in his own right torah and mitzvos were first and foremost in his life. May this be a kapara for all of klal yisroel and hasten the final redemption. May his aishes chayil Miriam and 10 holy children know nechama quickly.

  7. I created an account just to reply to this truly sad news. Dovid was a good man, a very good man. He was close with my parents and was always so sincere when he spoke with me. He was a generous person even with his large family he found ways to give to the community and will be missed. From someone who has not lived in Staten for roughly 10 years I am still greatly pained by this. The world was a better place with him in it and I wish that he finds peace in the next life. G-d bless him and his family.

  8. Reply to #10

    Yes, he learned years ago in TIUNY. As was mentioned, Reb Dovid lived his life to bring a smile and joy to others. There is too much to say about such a wonderful individual. A major loss not just for his family but for Staten Island, the Kiruv World and all who he touched through his wonderful Mehalech Hachaim.

    Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.

  9. Levaya will be held at the Young Israel of Staten Island at 9:30am Monday Morning.

    Hamokom Yenachem Eschem Bsoch shaar aveilay tzion v’yerushalayim.

  10. Today is zoch teves a day that in the past years some special young holy nesumas have been niftar it is not a poshata zach

  11. We are surely a special people, and every yid is so precious and holy – and yet – Reb Dovid stood out amongst us. He was a shinning star almost beyond belief. We are from Thornhill (Toronto) and know him from here as his family lived here. He was the kind of Yid who gave us all a special pride just knowing that one of us could be so selfless and careing. He was on the way to a Kiruv conference – not as a paid employee off an organization – but as a Yid who was personally dedicated to bringing Yidden back to Hashem. How precious he was. Hashem Yirachem. Our hearts go out to his dear family.

  12. Hamakom Yenachem Eschem….

    no words…

    such a special family…

    the tragedy has touched us all. lets show our support.

  13. He must’ve really accomplished some big and higher things at this convention in baltimore if his neshama was ready to return to its maker… He finished his tafkid with such holy work.. May he be a meilitz yosher for all of klal yisroel. He mustve had a beautiful shalom bayis and been an amazing father; may hashem give comfort and nechama to his wife and children and to all those he was mekarev those last few hrs that chas vesholom might find it hard to understand.

  14. Ive been friends with his wife Miriam for over 30 years. There are no words.
    May HKBH hold them tight and comfort them as only He can.

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