Levaya Of Rav Shlomo HaLevi Wahrman Z”TL

candle914With great sadness we inform you of the petirah of Harav HaGaon R’ Shlomo HaLevi Wahrman zt”l. Rabbi Wahrman, who resided in Kew Gardens Hills, NY, was born and grew up in Nazi Leipzig until the age of twelve in 1939, when he and his Polish-born parents and his siblings received American visas and came to the United States.

Rabbi Wahrman lived and later spent much time in Cincinnati between 1940 and 1955; during those years he regularly studied with the great Torah leader, HaGaon Rav Eliezer Silver, whom he considered his rebbe muvhak. Due to Rabbi Silver’s insistence and encouragement, Rabbi Wahrman honed his writing skills and recorded his copious chidushei Torah, which produced the highly acclaimed multi-volume “Shearis Yosef”. The glowing approbations of the gedolei yisroel gracing these seforim attest to his premier standing in the ranks of talmidei chachamim. Yet, Rabbi Wahrman acted always with great humility, simplicity, and, with his signature smile and w it, made everyone feel comfortable in his presence.

Rabbi Wahrman served for many decades as Rosh HaYeshivah of Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, where he molded the lives of countless talmidim. His autobiographic wartime experiences, entitled “Lest We Forget”, were published in 1991 by Mesorah Publications.

He is survived by his choshuva children and grandchildren.

The Levaya will be held at 1:00PM, Thursday afternoon, in Schwartz Brothers Funeral Chapels, on Queens Blvd.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

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