The Life of An Anonymous Jew Hinges On The Next Few Hours


Maran Sar HaTorah shlit”a has released a powerful statement [below] on behalf of a Rav in Israel whose family has fallen into a serious unnamed nisayon. While the details of the nisayon have remained concealed for the family’s privacy, Rav Kanievsky’s letter says explicitly that it is a matter of life & death. It is highly uncommon for Rav Kanievsky to take the time from his hectic schedule to pen a personal plea of this nature.

A Chesed Fund fundraising campaign has been launched on behalf of Rav Chaim Kanievsky by tzedaka organization Kupat Ha’Ir. Donors are urged to give generously, as the need is reportedly dire. Though the full story remains obscured, one can only assume that in order to merit such attention the family in question must be exceptional in both their worthiness and their desperation.

Donations will be accepted today only. The campaign is highly time sensitive, as a member of klal yisroel’s life hangs in the balance.



10 Responses

  1. questions:

    can we verify if rabbi kanievsky himself who signed?

    is it to help a family member?

    was that family member convicted of a crime?

    i have rumors that these questions MUST be addressed

  2. #4 Don’t get so excited. Today the concept of “Daas Torah” has been greatly expanded to include everything any “Gadol” says. In that context the questions that #3 asks are quite legitimate.

  3. I don’t think that criticizing those who question the failure of the ad to disclose the facts are helpful. With all the scams and phony fundraising efforts, this ad raises too many questions for yidden to simply “shut up and just write a check”.

  4. There is some genuine cause for concern here. The original article is time lined Sunday April 23rd at 8:32AM. It says “Donations will be accepted today only.” Why is the advertisement then still running four days later?

  5. Chrisianity promotes blind faith in flesh and blood. True Judaism is all about questioning and critique, albeit respectfully. HaShem Emes V’Choisomo Emes. V’Heyisem Nekiem M’HaShem V’YISRAEL.
    Besides, the kedusha of Am Yisroel & Bnos Yisroel trumps even the opinions of those declared by the elite as the “Gedolei Yisroel”.
    Everyone has the right to be wrong or be blindsided by “handlers”. Even Rav Chaim.

  6. The gedolei hador have guided us from Moshe Rabeinus time, they have said Zionism is anti-Torah and were proven right like other things. we can question and question and then become Reform lehavdil who isn’t a movement with halachic Jews.

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