Belgian Jews ‘Shocked’ By Anti-Semitic Attack Against Young Girl In Brussels

Following an altercation at a sport training centre with five classmates from Moroccon origin, Oceane Sluijzer was beaten by the girls who shouted: ‘Shut up, you dirty Jew, and return to your country’.

In shock, the young Jewish girl lodged a complaint to the Brussels police. The attackers have been identified and will be questioned.

In a statement , the CCOJB asked the judicial authorities to make sure that the investigation be conducted without delay and said it might bring a civil action in this matter.

The Jewish group requested from the Belgian French community Education Minister “to introduce appropriate educational programs in schools to prevent un justified tensions between communities.” 

It voiced what it termed the “exasparation” of the Jewish community at the repetition of anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist attacks.

As a “moral authority”, the central Jewish Consistory, the representative body of Jewish religious congregations in the country, also intervened with the authorities to prevent such acts. 

Brussels Jewish parliamentarian Viviane Teitelbaum denounced the “silence” of political leaders and most of media after this attack.

(Source: EJP)

6 Responses

  1. While anti-Semitism is a fact of golus, why anyone would live in a place where a mere 70 years ago they deported Jews of every stripe to certain hell and death is beyond me.

  2. thats right ,it is beyond you because you are not the one that endured it. there are plenty of people who think YOU should leave america yet you dont see it that way

  3. Ich bin ein Berliner…

    I agree. You are quite correct in my humble opinion. BUT, this goes not only for the Jews in Belgium, but for the many hundreds of thousands of Jews living in France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and ALL of Europe.

    However, those of us still deluding ourselves that the U.S.A. is any safer, Wake Up and get the message BEFORE it’s too late!

  4. #5 WIY…

    Have you read the news over (even) just the last few weeks?
    –MANY clear examples of anti-Semitism at the Occupy Wall Street protests.
    –Torching of cars and anti-Semitic graffiti on Ocean Parkway.
    –Anti-Semitic graffiti at the Avenue J subway station
    –Just TODAY… Jewish man cursed at and stabbed on subway.

    AND this is just recent AND in New York where there are 2 million Jews. Do you know that there are ‘aryan’ neo-nazi training camps in several states in the northwest where thousands of skinheads learn nazi hashkafos and train with weapons!

    Like the old saying goes…
    “There is none so blind as he who will not see.”

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