Op-Ed: The Left’s ‘Justice’ is a Danger for American Jewry

[Op-Ed By Yossi Gestetner]

I would like to ask Jewish readers the following questions:

Did you know that Democrat-supporting groups such as PETA and Labor unions played the most pivotal role in destroying Sholom Rubashkin, starting in 2004?

Did you know that papers on the left, including the NYT, had constant reports against Rubashkin which bent readers to be against Sholom?

Did you know that the Attorney General of Iowa – whose office had the ultimate authority in the Child Labor trial against Rubashkin – is a Democrat?

Did you know that the current Federal prosecutor in the Rubashkin trial was nominated to her post by President Obama, a Democrat, on the recommendation of Democrat Senator Harkin who liked the Prosecutors’ lead work during the 2008 Rubashkin Raid?

Do you know the while the Rubashkin raid started during a Republican justice department, it is the Obama Justice department who has ultimate responsibility of the case for almost eighteen months now?

Did you know that the “White Republican” state of Iowa has a Democrat Governor for the last eleven years; a Democrat AG for the last twenty years, and the Democrats have more registered voters in that state than any other political party (which in turn means it is NOT a Republican state that turned on a successful Jewish businessman)?

Did you know that the “Republican” Florida Governor Crist who gave us a death ear during the Grossman saga was a RINO (Republican in Name Only) who was turned away from the Republican Party by the leadership and by Conservative voters, and Florida Democrats are already holding fundraisers in supporting of Christ’s Independent Party Senate bid?

Did you know that the US Attorney in the New Square case of more than ten years ago was nominated by Bill Clinton, a Democrat, and that Clinton did NOT – contrary to popular belief – give them a full pardon? (He reduced their prison terms.)

Did you know that the judge in the Samet (of KJ) case is a Clinton appointee?

Did you know that the NY State Attorney General seat is held by Democrats since early 1999?

I am writing this because it’s time for people in the Jewish community to wake up, grow out of the old-school propaganda, and see that the Democrat’s approach in dealing with crime hit us too many times the wrong way, (although I am open for debate as to how many of the above-list falls into that category). Granted, Republican Chris Christie was the US Attorney whose office oversaw the Solomon Dwek case which had its share of Prosecutoral Extremism. I am aware of that, and I am aware that the federal Judge in the Rubashkin case is a Bush appointee, which if not for the forces on the Left turning all of Iowa against Rubashkin,would by no means be able to proceed with her Shtick. Regardless these instances, in most criminal cases that captivated the discussion and debate in our circles, it was and is Leftist interests in addition to Democrat Judges and Prosecutors that gave us the short end of the US Justice System.

The reason to this is simple: For Democrats, fighting White Collar crimes is a Jihad, a holy mission to “teach a lesson” to those “greedy” businessmen, specially a business whose workers are not unionized.. Yet, when it comes to street crimes like gangs, drugs and killings, Democrats go mostly soft on it with excuses as to why the “unfortunate” perpetrator “was forced” to commit his crimes, or they make decisions based on political calculations. Republicans, on the other hand, will certainly not give a blind-eye to White collar crimes, and I am not making excuses for anyone of the above-mentioned list. However, the main focus of Republicans is to keep the streets and areas safe from the real criminals, those who inflict lasting, horrific and terrorizing pain on people and families. All this is besides the fact that Republicans, who are mostly pro-religion, will more easily respect Jewish law and customs of those who are caught up in the Justice system, than will Dems who will drive out of business a meat plant that service members of a religion.

In the context of an article like this which focuses on Justice issues, it is probably not the place to point out the special good relationship that the Jewish community had with former officeholders such as NY Senator Al D’Amato; NY Governor Pataki; NYC Mayor Giuliani; Congressman Ben Gilman (Upstate NY) which were all Republicans!

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.

To read more from and about Yossi, visit www.yossigestetner.com.

(Yossi Gestetner – YWN)

17 Responses

  1. THE Jews don’t get it. Stop voting democratic. The left Jews think the liberals love them; they are going to wake up I hope before it is too late and see who they are in bed with. Say no to all democratics until they clean up their act. Peta is a criminal organization

  2. some people keep saying that judge Reade is an anti-semite some say she’s not and thay ask innocently “Whats your evidence”? however you wana look at it, one thing is for sure the forces behind the propaganda in this case have one common-denominator and that is: THEY ARE ALL ANTI-RELIGION, whether its Peta, Unions or ‘The Forward’ – let me be clear: liberals don’t just hate jews they hate christians and catholics the same way, anything that is related to “religion” erkes them, it doesn’t let them sleep. The only religion they can tolorate is islam…

  3. And how pray tell will both the Jewish and non Jewish uneducated masses get their badly needed support programs, if not for democratic governance?

    Hamaven Yavin.

  4. The Rubashkin case was initiated by the Bush administration. If one doesn’t want a left wing America, vote Republican. Note that very few Jews, even frum ones, vote Republicans. Look who represents places such as Boro Park, or Lakewood, or West Rogers Park, or Upper Park Heights? If frum Jews switched and become conservatives (and that means arguing for small government rather than schnorring for handouts from the government), it would have a major impact since many other socially conservative ethnic Democrats would also be inclined to switch.

  5. note to number 5: I indeed meant death ear. A deaf person would hear our pleas. This guy was mamesh dead.

  6. Yes i want goverment programs but, whats the price i”m willing to pay for?? I think Dems today aren’t the same Dems from 20 years ago. The Dems in our days have joined forces with The very extreme activists. We must look at the broader picture! Unlike a couple of years ago, their agenda took a sharp turn to the left. There’s a reason why Obama loves J Street. (check out at israelmatzav.com who voted this week against the iran sanctions bill in the House, five congressmen who were supported by j Street) look; bill clinton didn’t go to Reveren Writes church! But obama is very different. Nobody in his right-mind can argue that he would support a leaning SOCIALIST all because of the money he’s getting. Got It??

  7. I think a Republican America would force major changes in the Kollel system(where Bitachon on programs is the current mindset), Yeshiva curricula and would probably neccesitate decrease of family size. This might popularize the Tora U’Mada/YU philosophy, affecting a slight shift to the left religiously.

  8. Your article is right on the mark but no offense to what i will write, but something I heard from a rosh yeshiva when i brought these type of examples and ideas up with a rosh yeshiva about two years ago and it basically went like this.

    We are idiots because we don’t vote and the ones that do keep on voting in liberals and democrats which these days do nothing for america or the jewish people.

    If Hitler ym”s was running in a election today i guarantee you that 80% of the orthodox voters would go to Hitler. More than 75% of jews nationwide voted for Obama and now some of these people cry and some still say we did not give enought time or a chance for Obama to do good things!

    Obama had personally got involved with the Rubashkin case by making nasty comments two years ago in August and you can find the nasty anti semitic comments on youtube.

    Obama will go down in history as worse than Carter. Carter thanks the lor-d for people like Obama because his record will be nmothing compared to what United States will look like in two years.

    I give up in saying we should smarten up when it comes to voting. Like Rabbi Levin says many times we are to down the toilet to change anything and we are just stupid and everyone thinks they know better.

  9. justice Reade used the judical guidlines and reffered to it as her bible only when it called for harsh sentences, but when those same guidlines called for leniency (for example: a person who has a sick child, or one who contributed much to the community etc.) she ignord them! now thats a real lib!

  10. There is no “frum” party. Republicans may be more pro-religion than Democrats, but their public records show that they are far better liked by multi-national corporations equipped with lobbyists that ensure that their interests and NOT those of the American people are protected in Congress and in the House of Reps. Republicans vote against public health care (yes, Medicaid/Medicare is gov’t supported health care. also I’ve lived in Israel and the U.S. and I personally think it’s kind of nice that people aren’t left to die on the streets in Israel -somehow that just seems right!), against better financial regulation (i.e. derivatives trading = gambling), and support the continuation of corn subsidies in the Farm Bill (they get a lot of campaign contributions for that one) knowing that means that mega-agriculture (i.e. Food, Inc.) will continue to poison the public with cattle they have been grown in CAFO’s where they are fed a mixture of GMO corn (good for Monsanto, bad for us), dead animals (not joking), and given anti-biotics non-therapeutically (that why those anti-biotics don’t work on us anymore!). Republicans are tough on crime because it gets them votes and makes them money (they own a lot of those privately owned prisons). However, the wisdom of keep individuals who have committed non-violent misdemeanor crimes in prison (more than 1/3 of the prison population) is questionable to say the least and costs taxpayers a pretty penny. It might be interesting to note that while crime has gone down over the past 50 years, the prison population has unpropotionately exploded (leading many states including CA to rething their 3 strikes law). Look, I’m not a bleeding heart liberal…I do not think Democrats are angels…but if it were not for the issue of the security of the State of Israel (which Republicans clearly have a better record of supporting), I would question why any frum Yid would vote Republican. They may be more religious but I am of the opinion that at the end of the day the only thing they worship is MONEY.

  11. After living thru myself the era of communism with its brutal behavior to innocent people, I am seeing a repetition that wickedness in the great democratic nation of the United States . It is none other than the Justice system and their judges, who have an open hand and power to divert the truth , to serve their own objectives. It is an outmost danger and failure to the nation. The average taxpayer belives that their goverment are here to protect them from danger. So, it is the medias obligation to inform the people, of their goverment’s miscarriage of justice. So, please, keep on writing and posting your articles in many different sites and continuesly non-stop, maybe it will reach to the voters in time.

  12. After living thru myself the era of communism with its brutal behavior to innocent people, I am seeing a repetition of that wickedness in the great democratic nation of the United States . It is none other than the Justice system and their judges, who have an open hand and power to divert the truth , to serve their own objectives. It is an outmost danger and failure to the nation. The average taxpayer belives that their goverments are here to protect them from danger. So, it is the medias obligation to inform the people, of their goverment’s miscarriage of justice. So, please, keep on writing and posting your articles in many different sites and continuesly non-stop, maybe it will reach to the voters in time.

  13. Yossi, you talk and talk but the main factor you forgot “Judge Linda R Reade” is a republican and was nominated by George W Bush. So please cut you agenda and stay on the facts “They all hate us”

  14. ive been polarized to the extreme right for my life. lately ive just given up after fighting hard and finding out that the same antisemitism exists in americas business world. your waisting your time trying as hard as you can to make money here.

  15. The old school was that republicans love money and democrats love the minority. however that has changed demacrats today love power and they will do anything they can to grab it, and republicans still have some self-respect and treat even the minority’s like humans. thats the reality today. so vote republican (unless its locall election-like David Greenfield)

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