Be Part Of The Sefer Torah In Memory Of Leiby Kletzky A”H

REPOSTED FROM FRIDAY: It is with a broken heart and spirit that Misaskim, together with all of Klal Yisroel, mourns the tragic loss of little Yehudah a”h ben Nachman. Misaskim volunteers worked tirelessly, offering support throughout this harrowing nightmare.

Misaskim pooled all its resources, and much more, in an effort to provide technical and logistical assistance to the search teams and to the grief-stricken parents. In addition, Misaskim coordinated with the yeshiva, with law enforcement, and with numerous government agencies. When the tragic ending came to light, Misaskim was tasked with notifying the family.  

Misaskim was instrumental in facilitating positive interactions between law enforcement officials, the investigation team, and the Medical Examiner’s Office. The organization was also called upon to join with NYC’s finest in arranging for the sorrowful levayah that was attended by tens of thousands of people. There is no doubt that these efforts would not have been possible without the respectful and productive partnership that exists between Misaskim, Hatzolah, Shomrim, and Chaverim. Misaskim is also deeply grateful to the thousands in our community who offered their help in so many countless ways; whether by participating in the search or by pouring out their tefillos to Hakadosh Baruch Hu.  

Now that Leiby a”h’s heiligah neshomah is in shomayim, we are all left with a gaping sense of emptiness. True to the organization’s mission, Misaskim would like to offer comfort to the family and to Leiby’s neshamah in shomayim by embarking on a project to write a Sefer Torah leilui nishmas Leiby a”h. 

“Leiby a”h was a living Sefer Torah that was ripped away from us.” This statement was delivered by one of the maspidim at the levayah. Misaskim therefore feels that it would be fitting to commemorate this precious neshamah by writing a Sefer Torah in his memory. Furthermore, just as Leiby united Klal Yisroel in their tefillos, in their search efforts, and in bringing out the best in everyone, so too, this Sefer Torah will unite Klal Yisroel by becoming part of Misaskim’s family of Sifrei Torah that are constantly being delivered to shivah homes.  

Misaskim is inviting acheinu kol Bais Yisroel to join us in this special mitzvah. Individuals who wish to fulfill an everlasting chesed can choose to participate by donating a parshah, an amud, or even a passuk. Participant may also choose to submit condolence letters that will be compiled and delivered to the Kletzky family.

Donations can be made online by clicking here or by contacting Misaskim at: 718-854-4548.

10 Responses

  1. The best donation I ever made. What a zechus for Leibby, he is mamish Klal Yisroel’s Child. May we be Zoche to see “our” Leibby very soon with Moshiach.

  2. Misaskim’s unsurpassed service to our community is unfathomable and tremendous. Whether it’s their commitment to a family during a crisis, their professionalism to pool resources to fend off legal issues or their dedication to a Beis Avel, they just always seem to surprise us with their profound emotion and understanding.

    Misaskim once again came to the rescue.

    First was the coordination of the search. Misaskim implemented their resources at the NYPD to assist Shomrim and Hatzolah in searching for Leiby A”H. I stood at the Miaskim command on Tuesday morning and watched in awe how Misaskim’s professionalism played a key role in getting the NYPD to contribute unprecedented resources and an army to assist the thousands of troops already searching.

    The tragic find. According to a Daily News report, it was Misaskim’s founder, Rabbi Yanky Meyer, along with a diligent and caring resident, who led the detectives to Leiby’s body. I wasn’t there to witness it but I can just imagine how hard it was for Rabbi Meyer to digest this discovery. I doubt that he was immune to what he saw, despite his three decades of tragic experiences.

    The notification. Misaskim volunteers are truly divine messengers, but are still not angels. I cannot imagine the scene when the notified the Kletzkies about the tragic ending. True, they’re professionals and trained for this matter; yet, nothing perhaps ever prepared them for this task. However, they didn’t let their guard down and successfully carried out their duties once more.

    Avodas HaKodesh. The collection of the dismembered body was no less dreadful and creepy. The volunteers surely saw all kinds of body parts in the past, but they were surely unaccustomed to what they saw here. From entering the house of the evil murderer to collect the limbs to scraping the blood from the refrigerator to cleaning up the suitcase where Leiby was put to rest by the evil monster; it was surely not picturesque.

    Legal interaction. The investigation was ongoing when we heard the terrible news. The Medical Examiners were hard at work to discover new evidence by conducting various tests. However, they were not alone at this task. They were joined by Misaskim volunteers who ensured proper and the utmost Kavod Hameis. They cared to rush up the process to bring Leiby to Kevurah speedily and limit the desecration to the young Niftar. These dedicated individuals proved to be immeasurable once again.

    The Levaya. Boro Park has not seen such a Levaya in years; distinguished Rabbanim and esteemed community leaders have not merited such a Kavod Ha’Achron. It was not done without extensive coordination and planning. These volunteers who didn’t yet get a chance to go to sleep or alleviate their emotional pain from this horrifying episode were allotted to do yet another daunting task. From the horrific Tahara and plot arrangement to the chairs, water, lights and speaker system to arranging the agencies to direct traffic and the masses to the smallest detail, they once again proved to stand up to their motto of “understanding tragedy with compassion” and “coordinating crisis with expertise.”

    The Aftermath. People are still in shock; yet, Misaskim’s crisis intervention team can’t afford to be in shock. They’re professional team is hard at work along with Chai Lifeline’s “Project C.H.A.I.” to assist the mourning family and comfort the grieving community. This Sefer Torah will be an everlasting remembrance to the Achdus throughout this ordeal and will serve to be the eternal commemoration to a boy who got to put our finest on display. How fitting is it that his Sefer Torah should be handled by those who represent Chesed and dedication. How proper it is that his memorial should lay at the misaskim headquarters – the very same place where the plans for the Levaya that brought all walks of life together in unity took place.

    Kudos to Misaskim and may their services never be needed again.

  3. Please donate generously Musakim’s paid staff, yes that exists too, need a lving wage paid on time.

  4. wonderful idea!

    maybe we should also collect for leiby’s family. They are going to have extra expenses eg: therapy. and also they are living in an apartment building , perhaps it would be easier for them to deal with this nisayon if they lived in more comfortable quarters.

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