EVIL MONSTER: Aron Levi Named As The Man Who Butchered Leiby Kletzy A”H

The body of Leiby Keletzky was found at two locations in Brooklyn this morning and police arrested a suspect in the slaying who had part of the child in his freezer, R”L.

Police have arrested Levi Aron, a suspect in the killing of 9-year-old Leiby. Police made the gruesome discovery after raiding a Kensington home and arresting 35-year-old Aron, who led them to parts of Leiby’s body, stuffed in a red suitcase and hidden in a dumpster outside an auto repair shop about two miles away.

Retracing the suspects steps from the surveillance video released yesterday, Police had observed Aron entering a dentist’s office on 18th Avenue in Brooklyn at 5:30 PM on Monday.

Detectives located one of the dentists at his home in New Jersey last night and established that the suspect had been in the dentists’ office on Monday to pay a bill. The dentist, said the man wasn’t a patient but was paying a bill for a patient there and police were able to find him using those records.

With the assistance of a receptionist and another dentist associated with the practice, detectives at 2 a.m. found records at the dentists’ office that established the suspect’s name and address. Aron was arrested about 40 minutes later.

Cops said Aron, who works at the Empire Supply hardware store on McDonald Avenue in Kensington, had three knives in a butcher block inside his apartment.

A co-worker said Aron is divorced with no kids and acted completely normal at work yesterday.

“I can’t believe this,” he said. “He was a strange guy, but he was here yesterday and he was fine after killing this little boy.”

(Source: Newsmax)

58 Responses

  1. so did he pick this child specifically? is it personal or he just took the first lone child he saw? did they confirm any of these details?

  2. Hashem Yirachem
    Not that I agree or disagree with YWN policy, but dont you usually refrain from posting such stories, with names and all “Evil Monster?

  3. Yunger your right;

    The headline should read ‘Suspect is a Yid, so please be Dan Lecuff Zechus'( rolling my eyes with sarcasm)

  4. Maybe this is the tragic shock our community needs to stop allowing the (YES) EVIL MONSTERS in our midst to get away with their crimes!!

  5. yungerman1. “not that I agree of disagree…”

    You potentially disagree with posting the name of this monster???

  6. no Loshon Harah for this animal I wouldnt even call him a Jew!! There should be no tshuva for such heinous actions! Aaron Levi Yemach Shemo!!!! I comend YWN for posting his name

  7. He’s obviously a sick person, I’m not sure the title “evil monster” is appropriate for YWN. Especially if he is a Jew, we must understand this man is not well.

  8. When did we ever hang people in public squares? I remember this guy from elementary school. He was picked on a lot and had few if any friends. The school administration probably didn’t know he existed and doubtfully did anything to help integrate him. I’m sorry to say this but the community is responsible for its monsters.

  9. Yungerman??????What are you talking about, a GRUSOME MURDER and you dont think we should be aware of this????? I would say more to you but i will refrain and control my anger….

  10. Now for sure he should be charged through a Bais Din according to the Torah and get what he truly deserves!
    This is gone too far.
    Yes, we have to stop covering up for the evil amongst us.

  11. Forget foolish questions like, did he pick him out specifically or retarded comments complaining about calling the man a monster. He is a dog that should have every one of his fingers and toes snapped off and then water boarded.

    We need to learn things from this horrific incident instead of pointing fingers.

    1. Always know where your children are and teach them to avoid strangers! It is so important! TELL THEM: DONT TALK TO STRANGERS!

    2. We need to take child molesters seriously! Whatever form it takes… incidents where children are molested in other ways….we need to wake up! THEY MUST BE TURNED IN. IF YOU KNOW OF ANYONE SPEAK WITH COMMUNITY LEADERS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. LOCK THEM UP FOREVER.

    3. And most important……WE NEED TO PERFECT OUR WAYS!


  12. Thrum
    Let’s stop blaming Hashem. This is a self inflicted problem on a community that has harbored and covered up thousands of molestation cases. Its a wake up call!

  13. And I see all the comments mocking Yungerman, while I agree what he did clearly shows he is an evil monster, I mean to say only that it may not be appropriate for YWN as a news agency to add that title. Bottom line is what happened is a lesson to us all. This is a wake up call – Hashem wants something from us. Worrying about how to refer to the murderer is not that thing.

  14. His is name according to the White pages & Police Chief Kelly his name is Levi Aron 7 not Aron Levi. Please make this correction in the title.

  15. OUCH!!!
    I agree the header may be a fitting description for him if he is deemed mentally stable. I am just asking that YWN didnt cover the numerous cases of molestation and the like, so why is this one different? (
    I understand that the emotional factor may have driven this posting.)

  16. This man must face the death penalty, nothing less.

    While he would not be liable to capital punishment according to the laws of Forewarning and Two Witnesses, we must take the example of Rabi Elazar ben Rav Shimon, who for circumstantial evidence reported Jewish thieves (who in beis din are never put to death) to the Romans.

  17. Apparently Leiby did not know the streets well and did not turn from 44th street onto 13th avenue as he should have, and instead walked all the way to Dahill/18th Avenue where he asked a stranger for directions . . .

    Also, allegedly, the boy was not harmed until the suspect saw posters and panicked

  18. Sadly, in NY this nudnik will spend decades on a kosher diet in some upstate prison…..another David Berkowitz type lingering on long after he should have been put to death for his averas….

  19. Now for sure he should be charged through a Bais Din according to the Torah and get what he truly deserves!

    There is no Bais Din to charge him for the following reasons:

    1. There are no qualified judges today.

    2. Even if there were qualified judges, a Bais Din can only try capital cases when authorized to do so by the Sanhedrin.

    3. Even if the Sanhedrin existed today, no Bais Din could try capital cases unless the Sanhedrin was convened in its chamber in the Bais HaMikdash. Since there is no Bais HaMikdash, capital cases cannot be tried today, even if we had qualified judges and a Sanhedrin.

    4. A Bais Din could not convict the suspect since there are not (as far as we presently know) two kosher witnesses. In addition, it is doubtful that the suspect was forewarned and responded that despite the consequences that he was going to commit the crime.

    5. Lastly, I think you’d have a hard time getting the NYPD to release the suspect to a Bais Din.

    The Wolf

  20. “for circumstantial evidence reported Jewish thieves (who in beis din are never put to death) to the Romans.”

    Even Noachide courts are forbidden to put to death anyone based only on circumstantial evidence.

  21. Just suppose…this fellow had molested a child, and not murdered him…and then was accused of the molestation; how many of you would have jumped on the band wagon to prosecute him? How many of you would have used “Torah principles” to shield him from proper law enforcement authorities? Connect the dots Yidden, and wake up.

  22. I am sick. How in the world can a person kill an innocent
    9 year old boy. This nut case will rot in jail but the damage he did in this world is unthinkable. Lets feel some
    feeling for the family. Lets say some tehellim for the family, for the neshama and for all the righteous people who help look for this boy. Lets give thanks for the police who got the nut case off the street; too bad not sooner but at least now. Lets see how us as FRUM JEWS came together to do
    Good. Now thank Hashem that we are Jews. Let each man, woman
    and anybody who help go home hug your children and say tehellim for having a family to go home to.
    Again my heart goes out to his family

  23. Please correct the name in the headline and story — it isn’t fair to the Levi family who lives in the area.

    The monster’s name is LEVI ARON.

  24. people in this world are SICK! they should be punished “whether jewish or puertorican”… anyone who kills an naive and unsuspecting child is a MURDERER!
    hashem yakim damo.
    everyone should watch for their children – its a dangerous world out there.
    mashiach should come soon and end all this pain and suffering.

  25. I keep hearing the pasuk “Ubiarta Hara MiKirbecha” [and you will eradicate evil from within yourself/your community] in my head.

    Does anyone want to pipe in regarding Din of Go’el Hadam on a “Mezid” case like this?

  26. Maybe one should wait until after he has a lawyer and perhaps hear his version of the facts. The police don’t have a good record for handing our accurate information in highly publicized cases. There might be interesting facts that are still to come out.

  27. HaLeiVi: I”ll be the one to explain it to you. I would never have thought I would agree with YonosonW, but for once I do. There is a huge problem of child abusers in the community and we keep brooming it under the carpet. We should turn them in and inform the authorities of any case we might be aware of, and let them have their due punishment. That’s what this sick people deserve and that’s what they should get. As for this guy, I don’t care what he went thru, he should get sentenced for life and let him have his own medicine every single day of his misserable life. Amen

  28. 41. HaLeiVi:

    No, I don’t think he’s saying that. I think YonasonW is saying that the culture of protecting evildoers in our midst from secular authority by discouraging people from going to the police for fear of being “Moser” enables them to remain free to commit crimes like this.

  29. #46 kollelman:

    I actually asked my father about this offhand a few months ago. He says that the Rambam is pretty clear about it that go’él ha-dam applies to mézid as well.

  30. Obviously a very sick person to have done something so unspeakable. But do you all really think such a sick person has the same b’chira chufshis that normal human beings do?

    I’m sure HKB”H will take care of him in His own way. We need to put him in an insane asylum for the criminally insane and make sure he never sees freedom to be able to hurt another human being.

  31. This is a direct quote from he daily news “Kelly said the investigation has found no evidence that Leiby was molested before he was killed.”

  32. #52 – which means it could have been an accidental homicide followed by a dumb attempt to conceal the body (cf. the recent in case in Florida where the prosecutor said the defendant was a monster, and the evidence said accident followed by gross stupidity).

    How intelligent or educated was the accused? He looks “modern”. If he was poorly educated (and most “modern Orthodox” go to college), and his job suggests he was (middle aged stock boy – doesn’t sound like a YU grad to me), then his confession might reflect the detective’s wishful thinking (and may get thrown out if he didn’t have a lawyer present).

  33. #34 – Charlie Hall: Even Noachide courts are forbidden to put to death anyone based only on circumstantial evidence.

    I dunno about that Charlie. I recall a vort from the Meshech Chochma that the Noachides can set their own parameters for their observance of the Noachide laws.

    And, as has been stated earlier, in times of lawlessness, beis din was allowed to take measures that were ordinarily not permitted in order to keep things under control.

  34. The NYC Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said that there was no molestation in this case and the murderer did not know his victim and never met him before. So this case has nothing to do with molestation. Stop trying to propagandize this tragic case for your own sick purposes.

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