Six Americans Injured In Wednesday’s Deadly Jerusalem Bus Bombing

Six Americans were injured in the deadly Jerusalem bus bombing Wednesday, a State Department official tells Fox News.

A British tourist was killed when a bomb went off on a bus during evening rush hour in Jerusalem.

Israeli aircraft struck the Gaza Strip on Thursday in response to militant rocket and mortar attacks, stoking concerns that a grave new round of hostilities will fill the vacuum left by an impasse in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking.

Militants operating near the Israeli border sent at least nine rockets and mortars — including two rockets that reached the city of Ashdod — flying at Israeli communities throughout the day, drawing an Israeli airstrike in retaliation. No injuries were reported on either side.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates called the rocket attacks “repugnant” and defended the Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip as legitimate self-defense.

Israeli security officials have said little about the investigations into Wednesday’s bus stop bombing and the knife killings of five members of a family in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank two weeks ago.

Officials identified the victim of the Jerusalem bombing Thursday as Mary Jean Gardner, a 59-year-old British tourist who had been taking courses at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said there were gag orders preventing discussion of either investigation. He said only that Jerusalem police remained on a heightened state of alert.


11 Responses

  1. This was a forward e-mail sent to me:

    Please pray for:

    1. Odelia Nechama bat Michal – 14 yr old girl. suffered serious head injuries and is in intensive care. Her life is still in danger.
    2. Natan Daniel ben Shulamit – a 17-year-old student on his way back to Yeshiva who is in serious condition. He suffered massive internal injuries and has had a number of internal organs removed.
    3. Leah Bracha bat Shoshana – is a 19-year-old seminary student. She suffered burns to her legs and arms as well as serious shock.
    4. David Amoyal – David is the owner of the snack stand next to the bus stop. He told everyone to run away and then called the police, and was on the phone with them when the bomb exploded. He suffered injuries to his legs and feet and lower body. He is in moderate condition.
    5. Sasson ben Shulamit – This is the second time Sasson has been injured in a terrorist attack in Jerusalem. He suffered lower body injuries and serious post-traumatic symptoms.
    6. Ad Shapira – Ad is 18 years old and just about to complete high school. She suffered light orthopedic injuries and is in good condition in hospital.
    7. Shilo ben Ofra – Shilo is 15 years old, and suffered burns and fractures to his legs and lower abdomen. He is sedated in intensive care.
    8. Daniel ben Nurit – Daniel is 13 years old, and suffered lacerations and shrapnel injuries to his feet and legs, and is likely to be released from the hospital before Shabbat.
    9. Elchanan ben Alona (I don’t know if thats Elchonon Ovadia Ben Eilona or a diff. person) – Elchanan is 14 years old, and suffered serious injuries to his feet. One ankle and three of his toes were crushed. He has had one operation and will require more surgery. He will likely be in the hospital at least 2-3 weeks.
    10. Netanel ben Shlomit – Netanel is 18 years old and works as a security guard at the bus station. He was injured in the abdomen had surgery. He is now recuperating in the hospital.
    11. Shaindel Bat Raizel- Seminary student undergoing surgery.
    13. Sara Nechama Bat Rut Malka
    14. Shilo Ben Zahava Ofra- 8th grader from Netivot who was in Yerushalayim for a test to get into Yeshiva, his legs are badly injured.
    15. Yisrael Ben Dina
    16. Oriya Bat Michal
    17. David Ben Zohara (I dont know if that’s David Amuyal or a completly different person).

  2. 2.

    We just received an email from a Rov in NJ that Odelia Nechama bas Micha a’h was nifteres.

    Boruch Dayan Emes.

  3. mikehall12382 I’m replying to comment #1 you are talking nonsense obama is trying his best to run this country ! Doesn’t matter if your arabic mexican puertorican muslim african russian or chinese !you’re comment “Obama won’t care if they are American….maybe if it were Muslim Americans”is totally uncalled for you sound like a newborn politician learn to respect people even if they are black or muslim! This is a free country !

  4. 11 is wrong she is a Lakewood mother with a brain aneurism due to childbirth she needs our tefilos but was not on the bus.

  5. The savages who perpetrated this attack were not “militants”; they were/are terrorists. And when will the Israel government stop shaking in its boots about what the goyim will do/say? Ref.:Tehillim 83.
    The Arab population in the “PA” ‘territories’ are mostly squatters, carpetbaggers, trespassers and generally interlopers. They have NO historical claim to Jewish land. So they should not be there.

  6. to number 5 regarding the name of patient #11: is it possible that there are 2 people with the same name, one in the bombing and one in Lakewood? It is common knowledge that when R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt’l was sick, much tefilla and tehillim was said on his behalf. Ultimately, he passed away, BUT a young boy who shared the Rav’s name and whose mother shared the name of the Rav’s mother was zoche to a complete refuah. Perhaps this is one such case, where there are 2 people with the same name.

  7. It seems the email sent was written in a way which was confusing and BH the info I put above was INCORRECT!!

    Chazal say in these cases, the person gets a brocha and lives a long life.

    Kayn Y’hi Ratzon!!

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