President Shimon Peres.

peres picking.jpgShimon Peres is guaranteed to become Israel’s ninth president, after both Reuven Rivlin and Colette Avital announced they are quitting the race and do not intend to contend in the second round of Knesset voting. In the first round of elections, Peres won 58 votes, Rivlin got 37 and Avital 21. Peres will stand alone in the second round which will begin at 3:00PM (Israel time) and will require the MKs to simply vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The Shas party released a statement saying that now it is clear that the party has fulfilled its promise to vote for Peres.

Some quotes from Shimon Peres:

There’s nothing to be proud of in Jewish History (UNESCO Conf. 1994)

Jewish Youth should divorce themselves from our past. (UNESCO Conf. 1994)

Give me peace, and I’ll forgo Israel’s nuclear capabilities (4.1.96)

Bombing the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor was a mistake (24.12.95)

There is no antisemitism in France (27.2.02)

Olmert is one of Israel’s best Prime Ministers (17.3.07

If it were up to me I would remove History from the school curriculum (11.4.07)

To dance the tango, you need to close your eyes and let the romance flow…peace is a romantic process.

I declare that the [Palestinian-Israeli] conflict is over! No finger will ever again touch a trigger.

100 years of terror are over, and now start 100 years of peace and coexistence. (13.5.95

(Thanks to Jameel from The Muqata!!)

39 Responses

  1. YW editor: Your choice of picture was a bit childish and juvenile, don’t you think? On the day it becomes clear that Peres will be the next president-(not the Prime Minister, but an important and influential position, nonetheless), is a picture of him seemingly ‘picking’ the most eloquent, articulate, well expressed, and coherent perspective and opinion you can offer to us? Come on! I expected better than that.

  2. Hello – How are you today? As you know – many many people read you blog. Not just Frum yidden – but all yidden. Even non yidden. Even people from the Arab nation.

    As you know – I am not a “zionist” – but still find the picture you displayed here as dis-tasteful. I ask you that you please remove it.

    Thank you

  3. It’s a great picture, and straight to the point of what a joke Israeli politics is.

    It would actually be funny if it wasn’t for the dire straits Artzeinu Hakedosha is in right now.

    Hashem yerachem.

  4. YW please ignore the above commentators and leave the picture where iut is.

    I also commend you on posting the comments against your site.


  5. To all those concered!

    If you think THIS is going to be the reason the the Arab nation will hate us is childish.

    They blow up little children and busses.

    But by YW posting this picture THAT will make them hate us.


  6. Thank you for starting my work day with a smile! I ALWAYS KNEW YOU HAD A GOOD SNESE OF HUMOR! (EVEN IF YOU PICK AND CHOOSE WHICH COMMENTS TO POST!!:)

  7. This site is for the Yeshiva World, not the NY Times. If any of the above commentators know anything about Israeli politics (i.e. Peres), or media, the picture is a understatement.

  8. Shazam, and Lakewood Yungerman, and 007 Wannabe, and Joe Schmo, and any others whose small, childish minds leads you to support the placing of an immature picture, my commentary criticizing the choice of picture stands independent of my opinion on the current state of I sraeli politics. I agree wholeheartedly with everybody’s condemnation and denigration of Israeli politics in general and with Israeli politicians in specific. But let’s remember-“HaNelovim V’Einom Olivim!

  9. A most appropriate picture.

    He is a Sonei Yisroel, a perennial loser, irresponsible , a danger not only to Artzeinu Hakedosha but to the entire Middle East.

    When will Israel learn to stop being their own worst enemy.


    As the Torah HaKedoshah says in Parshas Shmini, “VeEs Eileh Tshaksu…Es HaNasher VeEs HaPeres…”
    Coming after the character assassination of former President Katsav LOY”T (a wonderful Shomer Torah UMitzvos) and the withdrawal of the candidacy of HaRav Lau SHLIT”A (due to threats from the left-wing to do the same to him), this election is a major disappointment.

    However, considering that the Melech HaMashiach is called the Nasi (President) in Sefer Yechezkel and elsewhere, let those of us sending sons and/or daughters to learn in Eretz Yisrael (Elul Zman) be Mispallel for a Kiyum of the Pasuk in Parshas Vayigash, as follows:
    “VeEs Yehudah (our children) Shalach LeFanav El Yosef (Mashiach Ben Yosef) LeHoros LeFanav (to prepare the way by learning Torah in Eretz Yisrael) Goshnah [Gematria of 358 = that of Mashiach; i.e., for Mashiach Ben David].”

    Yehi Ratzon SheNizkeh LeVias Goel Tzedek ULeVinyan Beis HaMikdash, BiMeheirah VeYameinu Amen!

  11. Oy. Why are people so worked up about this? For once, his ambition made him chase a job with absolutely no power. And he got it.

  12. I’m certainly not concerned for the Kovod(or lack there of) of Mr. Perez. Its just not very dignified for such a wonderful exclusive site. If you want to mock him, why dont you just give his picture a Arab touch. Have the palestinian flag as a background or have his head coverd with a kafia. The play on words with ‘picking’ is cute, but very unappetizing.

    Rodef Sholom
    very well said!

  13. Why we all ‘picking’ fights over this lousy picture. Is this the worst political picture or cartoon that you guys have seen? Lighten up and have some sense of humor peeps.

  14. Joseph,
    Before Moshe Fox logs in so I can resume my regualr job of neutralizing the arguements between you two, you say;

    Who cares who is THEIR president,

    As Anti Israel as you are may I remind you that many ehrlicher Yiden live in EY. When you emphasize ‘THEIR’ you sort of distance yourself from YOUR OWN.

  15. And why did the Shas MK’s vote for this man( Peres ) who hates Jewish religion and tradition ?

    I can’t hold the nail of my pinkie to the Gadlus of Rav Ovadia, but I cannot understand any of his decisions- starting from Oslo accords to his current selection of Peres over Rivlin- ( Rivlin is a man who respects the sanctitiy of Judaism and who realizes that Israel and Judaism are intertwined.)

    Perhaps some readers here can explain it to me.

  16. Aishes Chayil – What does the President of Israel have to do with the erlicher yidden in EY. I can maybe understand you argument if we are talking about the Prime Minister who wields some power. But the President all he is is a figurehead for THEIR(Zionist) State.

    Kind of embarrassing to have Peres as a figurehead. Don’t you think.

  17. Gemorroh Kop,

    The point is not whether he has power or not. Look at all the comments and how hyped up people in spite of the fact that he is powerless. The way Joseph alluded to the citizens of EY as ‘THEIR’ President didnt seem as if he alludes to Perez’ lack of power but to the fact that he distanced himself from them because of the ‘State’ issue. Maybe I am wrong but thats the feeling I got..

  18. ‘Tzee Klug’
    Takeh??? Is that right? which Chaider did you pick up this drivel from? Are you available to be my Posek(maikel) for the other 7 chelkei Shulchan Aruch? Boor Am Ha’Aretz!

  19. I am neither a student of history nor a fan of anyone particularly wedded to the Oslo process. But, I’ll put this out for thought – none of us, unless anyone can claim a Moshe-type relationship with G-d, knows truly the extent of what Peres has done, for better or for worse. So, the debate should be focused on his policies, rather than his person; surely in his career, both military and civilian, he has been responsible for good things (as well as not good things, as these comments state). Let us criticize and debate his positions, but not attack him personally.

  20. takeh?
    ‘Tzee Klug’
    Takeh??? Is that right? which Chaider did you pick up this drivel from? Are you available to be my Posek(maikel) for the other 7 chelkei Shulchan Aruch? Boor Am Ha’Aretz!

    you can check the miforshim on posach bimilsa D’biddichusah, what was the milsa biddichusah!!

    I dont call names however the lashon you had for tzee klug is very befitting.(not for him)

    in addition, although the picture is quite childish, if your gonna POKE fun ,its a good pick.

  21. Hey, what happened to Mickey Mouse and the wooden cigar store Indian? No one entered them into the election for President. I demand a recount!

  22. “You can pick your friends,
    You can pick your nose,
    But you can’t pick your friends nose.”

    As long as he keeps his hands to himself….
    I have no problem with this photo.

  23. Except you can be sure that this baal gaivah who thinks he is the chacham mikol adam (please be moichel me – HaMelech Shlomo?) will use the office of President to issue many policy opinions and try to focus public opinion to his view points! That is why he – in particular – should not have been allowed to get to this office – thank you very little Shas! 🙁

  24. The answer to the question in comment # 24 asked by modern orthodox, is only one word.

    MONEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. MelechEitan:
    I looked through the entire Mesechta Megillah. I didn’t find anything that can even remotely be misconstrued as a maamar chazal in support of the action which I criticized. Please quote for me-an Am Haaretz- where the Gemarah (Bavli, Yerushalmi, Sifrah, Etc.) recommends and encourages frum yidden to amongst themselves poke fun in a derogatory, childish way at a member of Klal Yisroel-albeit one who has strayed considerably from the proper path if he was ever on it, and one who seems to have earned the accolade of ‘self-hating jew’ and perhaps, even potentially a ‘Mumar’. (Maybe he is just a Tinok Shenishbah”. I am an Am Haaretz so I am unable to classify his status vis a vis his being an Oived Hashem. Does it perhaps suggest that the most effective and respectful way of reporting that Shimon Peres will be the next President of Israel is to show a picture of him picking his nose? Am Haaretzim like myself are scratching our heads searching for quotes similar to the ones above. Please enlighten us, oh, Rabban Shel Yisroel, Maor Hagolah!

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