Two More members Of Congress Write Letter To AG Holder About Rubashkin Case

The following letter was sent by Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) to US Attorney General Eric Holder in regards to the Rubashkin case:

October 22, 2010 

The Honorable Eric Holder
Attorney General of the United States
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 5111
Washington, DC 20530

Dear Attorney General Holder,

Thank you for your leadership and continued service to our nation.  I write regarding the criminal prosecution of Sholom Rubashkin, the former manager of the Agriprocessors kosher meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa.  While I agree Mr. Rubashkin must pay his debt to society for the crimes he has committed, I call on the Department of Justice to review the sentencing recommendation that was rendered in this case.

As you know, in May 2008, Mr. Rubashkin was arrested for immigration law violations at the Agriprocessor’s plant.  While the initial charges were dismissed by the government, Mr. Rubashkin was ultimately tried and found guilty of bank fraud and related white-collar crimes in November 2009.  Recently, in June 2010, he was sentenced to 27 years in prison—two years beyond the government sentencing recommendation.

Mr. Rubashkin’s 27-year sentence raises a number of concerns for me, not only because he is a first-time offender but more because of Mr. Rubashkin’s age.  Ultimately, Mr. Rubashkin is 51 years old, and a 27 year sentences amounts to life in prison.  This sentence has been criticized by former attorney generals and U.S. attorneys, lawyers, law scholars and fellow colleagues from the U.S. House of Representatives for being excessive.  Prior requests by Members of Congress to the U.S. Department of Justice calling for a review of allegations of ex parte discussions in this case by the federal judge with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and immigration officials prior to the 2008 raid have fallen on deaf ears.  

Controversy has enveloped this case—particularly the sentencing decision for Mr. Rubashkin, therefore, I respectfully request a full review of this case.  Mr. Holder, if the integrity of a case is called into question, it is imperative for us to be just in the rule and execution of the law.  I know you share this belief, and look forward to working with you on this important case.  

Thank you for your attention and prompt consideration of my request.


Alan Grayson
Member of Congress


Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) wrote the following letter to US Attorney General Eric Holder:

October 26, 2010

Dear Attorney General Holder:

I am writing to call your attention to the recent prosecution and conviction of Sholom Rubashkin, a former chief executive officer of the defunct Agriprocessors, the largest kosher meatpacking plant in the U.S. In November 2009, after being convicted of 86 counts of financial fraud, Mr. Rubashkin was sentenced to 27 years imprisonment of Judge Linda Reade. 

The federal investigation into Mr. Rubashkin’s financial dealings began after a May 2008 workplace raid that netted 389 illegal aliens. Certainly, the employment of hundreds of illegal aliens and perpetration of bank fraud are inexcusable. However, it has been brought to my attention that prior to that operation, agents from several federal departments met with Judge Reade. Information about this meeting was not presented to defense attorneys, suggesting that it may have been proper for the judge to have recused herself from the trial. Questions have been raised about the extent of the collaboration between Judge Reade and federal agents. The possible violation of the judicial principles of transparency and fairness – two fundamental features of the American courtroom – is deeply problematic.

I am aware that several of my colleagues in Congress have contacted you in support of a thorough investigation into the handling of Mr. Rubashkin’s case by Judge Reade and prosecution. Please keep me informed of developments in this matter. I look forward to your reply.



Member of Congress

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5 Responses

  1. B”H, please write your congress representatives as well as your senators and other political representatives until we have a just outcome.

  2. Both Democrats. They must be really in trouble at the polls! Just watch after the election. If these two bums stay in power, they will abandon Rubashkin like a hot potato.

  3. I don’t think holder will help. He is only good to let
    New students for a democratic society off the hook for voter intimidation. Look at the fraud vote in Nevada where it is prefilled for reid

  4. Thank you to Yeshiva World for keeping us continually informed of the news and of course many thanks to the Yated and to Reb Pinchos Lipschutz, chief editor as he single handedly made certain to get klal yisroel in general, involved to help Reb Sholom Rubashkin.Im Yirtzei Hashem in the near future justice will be served.

  5. The first letter makes no mention of Judge Reade’s involvement in the raid or of the fact the all debts were paid until bankruptcy, precipitated by the raid which was all about crimes Reb Shalom was exonerated of, made further payment impossible. In other words, what white collar crimes? So what “debt to society” must he pay?

    The second letter makes no mention of the fact he was exonerated of all immigration crimes.

    Either both individuals are ill-informed or they both want him to sit for something.

    I don’t think these letters will do much good. Ain anu al mi l’hisha’ain ele Avinu sheBashomayim.

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