Oorah’s Children’s Camp Site Attacked by Radical Islamists on Anniversary of 9/11

TheZone.org, the website of Oorah’s Jewish boy’s and girl’s camps, was attacked during the anniversary week of 9/11. The hackers left a message on the website that linked back to another site with the warning: UYARI: TURKISH INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM HACKERS and “Sisteme zarar verilmemistir. Aciklarinizi kapatiniz” (Turkish for “Shut down the system”) along with an ad for the Palestinian Mavi Marmara.

“This may have only been a cyber attack,” said Oorah spokesman Yehudah Meth, “but the message is clear. Who do these people target? A children’s site; a non-political organization that gives physical aid and camp scholarships to families in need. Hate groups have no conscience.”

Oorah was immediately in touch with law enforcement and legal authorities are currently looking into the matter. The original website has been restored.

Oorah’s TheZone.org  is the only website that Oorah outsources. “Our other sites—such as Oorah.org, GotTorah.com, Cucumber.com, and kirbycard.com—were out of harm’s way and we have taken extra precautions to protect them.”
The Zone, which consists of BoyZone and GirlZone, is a sleep-away camp in the Catskill region of Upstate New York. Nearly 1000 children attended the heavily subsidized camp this summer.

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(YWN Desk – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Baruch ha-Shem for terrorists who attack websites instead of people, Bezrat ha-Shem, all the soldiers will be replaced with hackers.

  2. Hackers who know what they are doing can do more damage than a couple machine guns in the hands of terrorists. The USA nuclear arsenal can theoretically be accessed via the internet.

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