Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZATZAL & The Moshiach Watch

Estimates of the turnout for the Monday night levaya of Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ZT”L begin at 100,000, climbing to “hundreds of thousands”. What was evident to all, those who attended and the many who were unable to reach the area of the rav’s beis medrash in Kiryat Moshe area of the capital is that Am Yisrael turned out to pay kovod to this prominent Torah personality, one whose prominence crossed the usually community divisions that divide us, evident by the cross-section of yidden pained by the loss, feeling a need to give kovod and join the aveilim during the difficult hour.

The hespeidim at the beis medrash were short and time-limited, as the aveilim were determined to comply with the Rav’s wishes that the kvura not be delayed, wishing to complete it before midnight.

Arriving late due to his responsibilities, as the procession was about to head for Har Menuchos, was Rishon L’Tzion Rav Shlomo Amar Shlita who spoke for a brief few moments, expressing the personal loss as  well as the loss of such a great tzaddik who filled all his living days with tefilos and concerns for Am Yisrael.

Channel 1 Television News aired a short piece regarding the Moshiach Watch, explaining that Baba Baruch had a dream, in which his father, the Baba Sali instructed him to give R’ Mordechai the Moshiach Watch with the explanation that when the hands are on 12:00, Moshiach will arrive.

Airing an interview from over two years ago, R’ Eliyahu explains “I don’t touch the watch. I am afraid to open it. It remains by me untouched”.

The dream first spoke of a gold watch, then a silver one. The time on the watch was 3 o’clock and now, the time is 11:45.

The rav explained that the hour indicates the Geula is underway. He adds the gold watch is under the silver watch, with silver representing ‘rachamim’ (mercy) and gold is ‘din’ (judgment) “and I wanted the silver should be on top so HaKadosh Baruch Hu should assist that the Geula will be rapid”.

“We must believe that Moshiach will come and through our ma’asim tovim, good deeds, he will come even sooner!”

Click HERE to watch the video.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. The video does not come up that I can see, but the site looks like it’s all in Hebrew which seems to indicate I would not understand what they were saying anyway.

    But it seems that this watch will still take as long as it will take to reach 12:00, whether that takes 10 seconds or 200 years.

    The fact that there is this watch, does not seem to guarantee that Moshiach will be here, any sooner then he would have been, otherwise.

    What makes me think Moshiach must come soon is the fact that Iran is about to get nuclear weapons to put on missles capable of reaching Eretz Yisroal and antisemitic fervor is growing by leaps and bounds all over the world.

    It is becomming quite obvious that only H-sh-m apparantly through some big miracles, can save us.

  2. Re the Watch…
    As #1 said, it is hard to know what the movement of this watch IS, or what it means exactly, BUT…

    We DO know that this world lasts 6,000 years, each thousand years likened to a day of the week, with Mashiach arriving when (yom she’kulo) Shabbas arrives.

    With that in mind, think about this…
    Years 0-1000=Sunday
    Years 1000-2000=Monday
    Years 2000-3000=Tuesday
    Years 3000-4000=Wednesday
    Years 4000-5000=Thursday
    Years 5000-6000=Friday
    Year 6000-7000 = (SHABBAS) = Maschiach

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