Renewed Violence in Jerusalem’s Meah Shearim Area

Renewed violence was reported on Shivtei Yisrael Street in Yerushalayim early Sunday afternoon, a continuation of the violent protest that took place on motzei shabbos, which led to a number of arrests. The latest round of area protests are in response to ongoing excavations at Kever Rashbi.

As was the case on motzei shabbos, participants in the violence set trash receptacles ablaze, broke objects randomly, and compelled police to shut down the area to motorists, resulting in a cessation of bus service to area residents and shoppers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. as my late mother used say , if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen .
    if you are going to have violent protests get ready for a violent response from the city authorities .

  2. These so-called avreichim are sadly deluded – and badly misled – if they think they are doing HaShem’s work through arson and violence.

  3. I would move out of Meah Shearim unless this is the way that i want to live, without buses, services or police when necessary.

  4. Indiscriminately damaging other peoples property? Where do these people get their ideas? They are Oiver Deoraysohs to protests Dirabanans and Inyanim.
    There’s no Kaparah for such largescale chillul Hashem. We need to daven that this stops.

  5. Kein Yirbu – Finally putting Avreichim to work and out of the B”M that they don’t want to be in! Nu, Ba’al Tashis of property and Chillul Hash-m.

  6. The full story is not being told here.

    According to this story, they were doing nothing to the Cheredim whatsoever.

    Then one day out of the blue they started excavating and also out of the blue the Cheredim started a riot because they were bored had nothing better to do.

    This story stinks like a rotting fish with it’s head, scales, and insides, missing.

  7. I lived in Meah Shaarim for two years and dont think anyone who posted above realizes that the way the locals see themselves and the way they are portrayed by the media are miles apart. I am not saying who is wrong or rite but reading Americans opinions by people who have never fully understood an Eida Kol Kore or read a T’shuva from Eida posekim etc. is laughable. Yall cant relate and point fingers because most of you seem to be clueless of the sociological details at work.

  8. excuse me people. you have the entire planet to do whatever you want with, please let these jews have one tiny city on the face of the earth.
    PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE!, where exactly do you want us to go? this city was NOT made by people like you, the temple did not exist because of people like you, please stop ruthless slander. slander is never warranted on jews, direct all negativity towards the more deserving, (start at the worst of the world instead of the best)

  9. HZIW3J:
    The “best” aren’t Mazikim and rabblerousers. If they are so bothered they should show their distress in an emesdik Torahdik way. Ask Rav Elyashiv if violence, and burning dumpsters and being mazik peoples property is EVER mutar in a situation where your life or the life of another is not in danger. I know you won’t ask because you don’t want the truth.

  10. Here we go with the “charedi winter olympics”, all these started with the repairs that the goverment is doing by the kever of Rashbi, since there is so much in-fighting of “who is responsible” or “who’s in charge of the Kever” the goverment had to step in to restore order in this holy place before it collapses on all of us after many years of neglect by the “Rabbis” in charge.

  11. israelibachur – You are 100% right.
    WellInformedYid – You are not informed at all.

    Come live in Mea Shearim for a bit. I love how people living comfortably in America comment on whats going on here in Israel. I like how they call us hooligans. You have no idea what’s happening here and what life is like here. There is no justice in this country. In Amona where the police acted brutally and yes like a bunch of Nazi’s there were 104 cases opened against the police. Only 4 officers were convicted. There were hundreds of hours of footage. In most cases officers interviewed said they didn’t recognize anyone. Tell me is that fair ?

    They do not understand any language other than violence. Again I dare you to come here and see it for your self.

    FYI: When I lived in the US I was very against the protest till I moved here and saw how things work.

  12. #9: i dont know what ur talking about. im not educated as such. all i know is i see the deepest smartest jews that study all day non stop and have the deepest roots being harrassed by western cops and shaven western looking so called jews that are persecuting them the same way as everywhere else in the world. i see real jews with real blood harassed by not so much jews with no so much blood.
    the very last place any critisism should ever be directed is those jews, please critize the rest of the world first.

  13. israelibachur ,
    I am an israeli charedi with Chiloni family members, and i am constantly fielding questions that start with, ” Did you see what those crazy charedim are doing, why are you even religious?” Is pushing jews who dont have any connection to religiosity further away from the emes, in anyway the right thing to do?
    I dont think any of the Eida Rabanim would say that it is.

  14. See Buzbuz in comment #11 says “There is no justice in this country. In Amona where the police acted brutally and yes like a bunch of Nazi’s ” and this is why I call them nazilibs.

    Because these liberals act sometimes just like those who ran the concentration camps and they
    just like the German Fuhrer can’t wait to see all traces of frumkeit and Torah observance wiped out forever.

    So what is the difference between the Seig Heiling Germans of the 3rd Reich and those running Israel who use the police like storm troopers and say things like how they should take all the Cheredi and “tie their beards together and light them on fire”?

    There is no difference and calling them nazilibs does not insult those who died in the Holocaust but in fact shopws us what we must stop doing and being like if we want to make sure the Holocaust is not G-d forbid lo aleinu, repeated.

    Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeate it.

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