Chabad Shaliach R’ Kupchick Speaks from Pune; Wrote To Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach

Pune, India – Kol Chai Radio on Sunday at 1:30pm spoke with the Chabad shaliach of Pune, India, Rabbi Betzalel Kupchick, who spoke of the situation taking place when a terrorist’s bomb detonated outside, near his facility.

Rabbi Kupchick explained they heard the explosion a few minutes before shabbos end, stating some of them are from Israel and understand such sounds, comparing it to a Katyusha rocket exploding in northern Israel.

“We davened maariv and did havdalah, stating’ la’yehudim hoysa sosson v’shimcha’ with special fervor, still unaware of what occurred, only to learn later just how fortunate we were.

“There were about ten people in the Chabad house Baruch Hashem. Five entered minutes before the explosion, on the way in the direction of the German Bakery”.

When asked if he relies on local authorities to protect the Chabad House after determining it was the Chabad house that was targeted by terrorists, the rav added I know the Guardian of Israel never sleeps…and I rely on Him, who uses natural forces as shlichim.

“We checked the mezuzos and we wrote to the Rebbe via the Egeres HaKodesh”, Rabbi Kupchick stressed, adding “I am not a shaliach Chabad, which is a movement, but ‘shaliach of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach’”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

29 Responses

  1. B”H the people in the chanbad house and surrounding area were saved.

    This business of melech hamoshiach and all this apikorses should be taken off this site.

    Just mentioning this melech hamoshiach is absurd and not befitting an observat jew.

    We daven to hashem for salvation and not melech hamoshiach.

    Correct if we are wrong.

  2. I am delighted to see that the YWN feels that it is news that the Rebbe is Melech Hamoshiach. Otherwise I don’t see a point publishing it here.

  3. This Mishichist business is terrible. I used to think it was yechidim, but its not. Many of the Rabbis and Shluchim are mishichist. Then they go and be Mekarev non Frum people to their “religion” its a shands, busha and charpa.

  4. Dear YWN Editor,

    Kupchick is NOT an official Chabad Shliach. he is what is called in Chabad a “Mushroom”, someone who sets up shop on his own and calls himself a shliach. he is not listed anywhere on which list all official chabad houses and locations.
    It would probably be best if you deleted that article from your website as it will only spread false information to the general jewish public who may not know the difference. The only thing that article will accomplish is spreading Motzai Shem Rah on a group of Yidden who put their lives on the line every day to spread the message of Torah and Mitzvos.
    See link below for listing of all OFFICIAL Chabad Locations in India.

    Respectfully Yours,

    Queens, NY

  5. Baruch H-sh-m no lives were lost in this cowardly terrorist attack.

    I think this Mochiachist garbage should be reported so we know who is saying what and who we are dealing with.

    People get away with talking like this, partly because the average person does not know they actually think this way.

  6. I’m surprised to learn that there are unauthorized Chabad shelichim, but it would be a major news story if the late Rebbe Z’zl were Moshiach. That would be the biggest news story since Yetzias Mitzrayim.

  7. YWN doesn’t dissapoint; never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. What you could have and should have done is avoid machloikes and mention only that no yidden in the chabad house were hurt. The shliach’s private beliefs are irrelevant to anything else. Instead you continue to rub salt in the wounds of klal yisroel in general and chabad specifically.

  8. The news story here is that B”H no one in the Chabad house was killed and the bomb which may have been meant for Yidden did not hit its target. On the other hand this is a tragedy for the loss of human life. It is not a time when Yidden are being threatened with anhilation from a Rasha and are being targeted by terror groups this is not a time to harp on issues which divide but rather we should focus on davening and giving tzedakah as well as Limmud Hatorah not machlokes. Furthormore it is unfortunate that some see this an oppertunity to discredit the work of Shluchim around the world who work very hard for no ulterior motive just to give other Yidden no matter where they are an oppertunity to do mitzvos.

  9. Yakkov Doe

    how right you are it will be the biggest news.

    Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson described[5] 770 as “Beis Rabbenu ShebeBovel” (“Babylonian house of our teacher”), “And we may explain, according the above, that as regards ‘our teacher’s Babylonian house’ in this generation – it means the home and synagogue of my holy father-in-law, the leader of our generation… ‘Our teacher’s house’ is the primary ‘little Temple’ in this last exile … which is the place of the future Temple itself, and not only that, but there will be revealed the future Bais Hamikdash, and from there is will go to Jerusalem. This idea is suggested in the name of ‘our teacher’s house’ in our generation: … it is universally referred to by its number, 770, which has the same gematria as paratzta (you will spread out).”[7]

    see:^ Kuntres b’inyan mikdash m’at zeh bais rabeinu shbabavel”, 5752, pg.465

    instead of reading this or read that guy saying HIS story and what he believes Chabad is why not read the Rebbe’s words himself.

    there is more – see for yourself, think for yourself!

  10. Rabbi Kupchik is not Chabad. The Rebbe set up a system, if you dont follow that system, what makes you lubavitch?

    To the editor, why do you put a pic of the Rebbe every time there’s new related to lubavich, that’s out of place and disrespectful.

    Plase change.

  11. more…

    you can either believe or deny. its not a question of “mushrooms” or “movement”

    read the facts and decide, what the Rebbe said himself.

    “The Rebbes of Chabad, who trace their lineage back to the House of King David, of the tribe of Yehudah…”

    (Shabbos Shemos, 5752, ch. 13)

    [In reference to the Rebbe’s father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, of blessed memory, the Rebbe comments] “In addition, he actually descends from the offspring of David.”

    “… that the arms reduction conference, its decisions and announcement took place in the city of the leader of our generation, indicates that all this came as a result of the activities and efforts of promulgating Torah and Judaism, justice and equity, throughout the entire world, which was and is being done through the leader of our generation, Moshiach of our generation.”

    (Shabbos Mishpatim, 5752, ch. 3)

    Footnote 26 of the above reads: “It should be noted that the United Nations, whose goal is to spread unity and peace amongst nations, was established in the lower [i.e., Western] Hemisphere following and in close proximity to the time of the arrival of the leader of our generation in the lower hemisphere. (It began with the nations’ resolution during the war, approximately in 5702 [1942])…and its location was established in the city of the leader of our generation, including the construction of its headquarters there (approximately in the year 5711) [1951, the year in which the Rebbe assumed the mantle of leadership].

    “This attests to and emphasizes the fact that the unity and peace between nations is a result of the efforts of the leader of our generation in refining the world… As the world became ever-increasingly refined through the efforts of the Jewish leader, so too was enhanced the existence and stability of this organization, whose goal is to achieve unity and peace in the world…”

    “In our present generation, the last generation of Galus [Exile], we are completing and perfecting our efforts in transforming this lower [i.e., Western] Hemisphere into [a spiritual] ‘Land of Israel,’ in the form of ‘Beis Rabbeinu’ [the house of our Rebbe]. This is a preparation for the complete Geulah [Redemption, which comes about] through our righteous Moshiach, the leader of our generation, who is in fact the Moshiach (Redeemer of the Jews) of the generation.

    “Thus it is understood that since the ‘Temple travelled and settled there’ [in the synagogue of the leader of the generation, in the Exile], it follows that the future [Third] Holy Temple will first materialize there, and subsequently be transported to Jerusalem.

    ” ‘Beis Rabbeinu’ [‘the house of our Rebbe’] has the address ‘770.’ Indeed, it has come to be called by the name ‘770’ by all Israel. This number is in fact the numerical value of [the Hebrew word] ‘Poratzta’ [a biblical word meaning ‘you have jumped out.’] Our Rabbis interpret this to be a reference to Moshiach himself, as it states ‘the Poretz [jumper, one who breaks boundaries, said of Peretz, ancestor of Moshiach] will rise up before us.’

    “It should be noted that ‘Beis Moshiach’ [house of Moshiach] also possesses this numerical value of ‘Poratzta’–770.”

    (Kuntres Beis Rabbeinu ShebeBavel, chs. 67 and footnote 92)

    “Our generation is the final generation of Galus and the first generation of the Geulah…”

    (Shabbos Vayigash, 5751, ch. 8, and in countless other sichos.
    See Maamar Basi LeGani, 5711, at length)

    Bottom line, is lets work to bring Moshiach! Talking about others will not help! Mushroom or Official. Learn about the subject from you local Rabbi and you will “open your eyes”

    Be happy its Adar 5,770!
    Simcha Poiretz Geder!

  12. here is more…

    “We find ourselves already in ‘the days of Moshiach.’ We only need to open our eyes.”

    (Chof Kislev, communal Yechidus, 5752, ch. 7)

    “The Redemption is nothing new. All its elements have already begun, and have already been brought down and accepted in the physical world, the level beyond which there is nothing lower. Therefore, it should be no surprise when immediate Redemption arrives.”

    (Shabbos Shoftim, 5751, ch. 11)

  13. When the Rebbe said this was the final generation, that was already more then a generation ago now.
    people who were born that year already have older kids now.

  14. Meli- it is a graze mistake to take the words of the Lubatvitcher Rebbe Z’zl out of context. The words of the Rebbe should be learned with a someone who is familiar with his teachings, not off a computer screen when disected.
    I strongly agree with dandan. The picture of the Rebbe has no place here when paired together with an article whose nature is to denigrate chabad and incite machlokes. It is my sincere hope that each of us looks within ourselves and our own communities to correct problems that are there, rather turn our attention outward and critique others.

  15. Dear YWN,

    Please be careful before you just post!
    Not everything about Lubavitch, Meshichist, etc.. should be put in the same category as the Rebbe.
    The Rebbe is holier than this, and should not be misrepresented like this.

  16. Reader123,

    i agree with you, look inward and i am sure the answers are there. we all need to. stories like this are just a reminder how much we Hashem for His kindness… and should do all we can to end this Galus, which we all know that Shechinta B’Gulusah

    the only issue i have with what you just posted, is that you gave the impression that i (or others) took the Rebbe’s words out of context.

    please point to ONE statement which is out of context and while you are at it please correct the context. (i would not want to be the cause of misinformation, and especially not The Rebbe’s holy words)

    btw, do you realize i gave links and sources?

  17. Reader123,

    Just to be open and clear, i did and do continue to learn the Rebbe’s teachings every day.

    I am sure i can do more. I was in 770 during the late Mems and Nunn’s and heard many of the Frarbraingens myself, which you so easily posted that i am taking them out of context.

    i wonder if you know them, or you are just reacting to what you read in the papers and blogs

    i am sorry if you take this personally, i dont mean it in any way to hurt, but a person must be careful when they say statements like “out of of context”

    i would be happy to address any “out of context” statements i might have posted.

  18. Sara,

    i am sitting here and wonder what you mean by Meshichist? Dont realy understand the term. What does it mean? Are you saying the Rebbe is Moshiach?

    what would you say is the mission of the Rebbe = Lubavitch?

    want to learn

  19. Dear Speak Emes,

    I agree, why make machlokes.

    i think its time that people say the truth as your very nice name says Speak Emes!

    thank G-d we had a big ness and no yiden were killed, its very sad that anyone should have to be killed.

    the Rebbe told us very clearly, that we can change the world for Good, literally.

    lets do it!

    every action counts

  20. A note of dikduk here:

    This article erroneously speaks of Chabad (or the Rebbe’s) “shlichim”.

    In Hebrew grammar both the yud and the vav are quintessential letters, and mutually interchangeable if found in the middle of a shoresh. It is proper to say “shlichim”, and so is to say “shluchim”, the later being the Rebbe’s choice.

    Hence, if we speak of the Rebbe’s emissaries, it is only proper to refer to them as “shluchim” rather than “shlichim”.

    We can talk about the Jewish Agency’s shlichim, but when it comes to the Rebbe’s, his emissaries are “shluchim”.

    Case made, now please correct the wording in the article.

  21. So these words, which are printed in english in black and white, are “taken out of context”.

    Rabbi Cunin’s claim that the Rebbe runs the world, which he said quite clearly, is “taken out of context”.

    Please provide the “context” which makes these words the opposite of what they’re blatantly saying. Otherwise I’d rather believe the words themselves.

  22. So he wrote the rebbe? Did the rebbe write him back? Does he give the rebbe an aliya on shabbos? Better yet, does he give the rebbe Hagba?!

    I guess its nebach true, the newest religion is lubavitch messianic.

  23. Its very sad that this is the one story that has so many comments. Instead of getting into Loshon Hara and Sinas Chinim lets stick to the issue and give thanks to The Aibeshtor that no Yidden were hurt in this act of terror and all try to find ways to promote Achdus and Ahavas Yisroel rather than debating a subject which has been debated just about once a week on this forum. May we be zoche to hear only besoros Tovos.

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