Hamas: No Chance of Peace – Israel Wants War

Hamas leader Khaled Meshal, who is based in Damascus, stated on Monday that there is no chance of a peace agreement between Israel and her neighbors, explaining Israeli leaders are interested in war.

“I don’t see any chance of advancing on the Palestinian, Syria, or Lebanese fronts because the Israeli leadership is one of war, violence and occupation, not one that exhibits a desire for peace”. The terrorist leader made his statements to the ITAR-TASS News Agency during a visit to Russia.

He stated Hamas does not accept “Palestinian autonomy” and will not settle for anything less than total sovereignty, adding “we have reached our limit regarding concessions towards Israel”.

It is Meshal and Iran that are believed responsible for torpedoing a deal that will result in the release of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit.

It should be noted that it was Meshal who was targeted in an assassination attempt during Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s first tenure, about a decade ago. While the Mossad never officially accepted responsibility, the apprehension of two ‘Mossad agents’ in Jordan resulted in a diplomatic row, compelling Netanyahu to send the antidote for the pharmacological agent injected into Meshal, thereby saving his life.

In order to obtain the release of the Mossad agents from Jordanian custody, King Hussein, the father of Jordan’s current leader King Abdullah II, demanded that Netanyahu release Hamas founder and leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. that’s like a guy who gets in a crowded elevator, opens up a can of sardines and tries to sell them a deoderizing spray, but they refuse to buy it, and the man blames them for the smell in the elevator!
    israel has offered peace to the palestinians for years, but they keep attacking everyone, and they’ve elected a terrorist regime to represent them!
    hamas will blame everything on israel, unfortunately, the whole world sees this and feels bad for the palestinians!
    this entire episode of history seems unnatural to me, and if i would have heard it being told as a story, i wouldn’t believe it, but it’s happening.

  2. I do not usually agree with hanavon, but his post here is an excellent explanation of how the terrorists work and his analogy is just perfect.

    We all need to remember that every map made by Arabs either in the territories or in Arab countries, shows all the land of Israel as Arab with not one inch as belonging to Israel.

    They obviously will never tolerate a Jewish state no matter what concessions they would get from Israel, it would still never be enough because Israel would still exist.

    No matter what, they do not want peaceful coexistence with Israel and they never did and never will.

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