The White House’s Never-Ending Chutzpah

os.jpgIn an act that can be described as nothing short of chutzpah, America has called on Israel to “explain” the elimination of three terrorists responsible for last week’s shooting death of Rabbi Chai HY”D in Shomron.

Senior officials in the Obama administration have demanded an explanation amid reports that soldiers from an elite unit eliminated three Fatah terrorists in Shechem, the terrorists responsible for murdering the father of 7, who was traveling home in Shomron on Thursday afternoon when the terrorists fired at him from their passing car, striking him in the head with 10 bullets.

National Security Advisor Dr. Uzi Arad provided the Americans with the explanation, detailing how the force tried taking the terrorists into custody, but they refused to surrender.

Officials in Jerusalem point out that American did not “officially” protest or complain, but rather sought an explanation as to the events surrounding the elimination of the terrorists.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

34 Responses

  1. There are numerous stories here in America where the police asked the criminal to surrender, and ended up killing the person who was holding a knife/gun etc. Why is this so odd to the Americans? Do they feel that terrorists are of a different calibur?

  2. As a loyal American (Jewish and politically right wing Conservative) my take on this is very simple…the Israeli government should tell Obama and his pack of yes men to go take a hike!

  3. Did they ask the terrorists to explain why they shot a father of 7?
    Rediculous, just plain rediculous.
    #2 is right on the money here.

  4. The White House should explain why they arrested Umar Faroul Abdulmuttallab.
    He should be let go free.
    Give him a job as a security consultant there.

  5. If the “White House”, i.e. the doofus living in it (who, derech agav is NOT in the White House while tens of thousands of American troops are risking their lives abroad, he is VACATIONING IN HAWAII!!!) needs an “explanation” of the IDF’s actions, it kinda has to make you wonder if this is a guy qualified to be America’s “commander-in-chief”!!!
    If I was in the American military, I would be very uneasy having such a shlamiel as my commander.

  6. All of you guys are a lol unfortunately it is no joke. Our Idiot in Chief favors the terrorist because of his rebbe William Ayers who regretted not killing enough Americans. But, fear not, G-d is watching….

  7. Dear # 2, thank you for your comment, since I was about to say the same just in a different English version, which might of been inappropriate for this site.

  8. #9 My orginal words (stronger) were indeed re-written by the editors of this fine site…I have no problem with that. Sometimes it’s just plain difficult to curtail one’s true feelings into more sensitive language when the article deals with such an important issue and the emotions that it brings out.

  9. BS”D

    It is long past time for the supposed economic powerhouse that the medine claims it is (probably using Madoff style smoke and mirrors) to refuse US military aid and instead sell its high tech to up and coming China and India. The Bart Simpson leisure society that the US has become cannot sustain itself for much longer, and the rise of Obama is part of that decay.

    Of course for the medine to do that it would have to develop the self esteem that comes only with realizing that the ONLY right Jews have to any part of EY comes from Hashem and His Torah, but rather than admitting that, the medine would rather muddle along as an unwanted American dependency.

  10. You people are getting very stirred up because you yet again blindly believe that the Israeli government is telling the truth about its operations. There was no (public) investigation, no trial, no accusations, just an assassination followed by justifications because ‘these were the murderers’. If you desire the concept of a free, non-totalitarian country that respects your civil rights, you should be asking for more information too! This is a government which routinely perpetrates both police and media campaigns against frum Jews, whose integrity is historically rotten. What if now, because of a baseless claim that they killed the terrorists (probably because they wanted to kill a far less nefarious political figure), the murderers walk free? How long will you give baseless support to a government that has no respect for basic human rights, be they Jewish or Arab (think Gush Katif for a second…)?

  11. i agree with most of what #17 is saying. the Israeli government operates like a mafia somethimes. i think america SHOULD be asking for details because they give a large amount of money to israel every year.

    on another note, it is the irresponsible, rediculous, biased headlines of “so called” news agencies like this pathetic website and papers like the yated (rag) which further damage the notion that there might remain even one free thinking, educated, intelligent frum jew left in the world. thats the “never ending chutzpah”.

  12. BS”D

    Post #19 looks like a fine example of never ending chutzpah to me.

    At worst, the IDF eliminated three terrorists who were guilty of other offenses or who were on their way to kill or hurt more Jews chas vesholom.

    The medine does a lot more wrong than right, but that does not mean we jump on them and take the side of the non-Jews when the medine and its defense forces actually do something right. The fact that other units of the IDF fight Yiddishkeit and defend chillul Shabbos, and throw Yidden out of their homes, is another issue altogether.

    Yes, even the Satmar Rov Reb Yoilish ZYA understood that when a non-Jewish leader does not support the medine, that leader is not good for the Jews.

    Barack Hussein Obama is no friend of the Jewish people, in EY or anywhere else. He is Jimmy Carter redux, and we do not defend his actions just because we know the medine is treyf.

  13. americanisraeli then why do you read this page???
    I for one don’t care why they killed the 3 terroist. Did they care about killing the frum or any Jew. obama is just an anti-semite and Jews got to remember who he hangs around with like bill ayers and rev wright and than there is no questions who the rag is

  14. #20, how do you know they were terrorists? The government is, as usual, acting for its own agenda – NOT that of the Jewish people.

    Think of how many innocent Jews have been beaten, crippled, _removed from their own property_, etc. with no reason beyond the fact that the Israeli government had decided they were a ‘threat’. I’m not talking about Jews who attacked or insulted police officers, I’m talking about all of the ‘collateral damage’ that the police do whenever there is a hafgana with very similar logic to this.

    Whatever you think about Obama, there needs to stop being a free pass for the Israeli government to behave like totalitarian thugs.

    #17, you need to start thinking and stop blindly accepting anything done by the government apikorsim is OK.

  15. When American drones take out taliban and queda leaders, no one in the US calls for an investigation. When Sayeret Commandos risk their lives in night operations, Kol HaCavod!

  16. I don’t think any US president would question the right of any government to put out terrorists. It must be done to ensure that society can continue. So it had to be done. The crux of this problem here is that Obama was embarrassed to congratulate the IDF for ridding the planet of blood stained terrorists. Instead he cowered to the anarchists who are constantly insisting that terrorists have rights that terrorists are humans too, that terrorists have a place in society, that terrorists have a place in politics, that terrorism is a basic human right. By acting like this he is encouraging terrorism in the US and in Europe. When nuclear terrorism begins to threaten the stability of the entire world system we will have Obama to thank.

  17. Have the terrorist crash the White House party! Let’s see how the obama secret service would react to their presence!
    By the way, were those terrorist also born in Kenya?

  18. BS”D

    At worst, it is like when US police arrest the wrong guy for a recent offense – and find out they got the guy they’ve wanted for years on a host of other crimes.

    What completely different units of the IDF (made up of members of far different segments of society) do to Jews is a huge problem, but it has nothing to do with a crack commando squad sending three roitzchim off to the boiler room.

    By the way, I fast on 5 Iyar.

  19. #20 is a perfect example of everything wrong with the frum way of thinking these days. i read the comment and laughed. noone jumped on the “medine”. noone. you saw it nowhere except for this biased, joke for a website. the IDF does not fight yiddishkeit, or defend chillul shabbos. you’re wrong. you dont know a blessed thing about what youre talking about. you are the reason why frum jews have no credibility in the world anymore.

  20. BS”D

    No, I and others like me are the reason that frum Jews and not Zionists are seen as representing Judaism. We are not PC and call a spade a spade, whether it is a Zionist spade or an American spade.

  21. BS”D

    However, I do admit that I may have conflated the army and police regarding chilul Shabbos.

    I do not know or really care to know the technical status of the Yasam units (tzioini Cossacks) but it is the same medine even if I am not sure who is under the Defense Ministry and who under the Ministry of the Interior.

  22. Does anyone else remember when Spira, the author of this article, claimed Obama was going to give Jerusalem away to the Arabs during his Cairo speech? It never happened, like so much else Spira reports. Why does YWN continue to give a platform to him when he is wrong so often and obviously so prejudiced against the Preisdent?

  23. Because mobius1ski, Obama has been pressuring the Israelis to divide Jerusalem and Netanyahu is about ready to cave. But mobius1ski, why is stating the truth considered prejudice against the President?

  24. @Flatbush Bubby, do you have one shred of evidence to support your contention “Obama has been pressuring the Israelis to divide Jerusalem”?

    Obama may be pressuring Israel to stop the expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem because settlement expansion hampers Palestinian trust in Israel as a peace partner. But that cannot be equated with dividing the city. As has been repeated time and again, that is a final status issue to be decided upon by Israeli and Palestinian leaders, and not the United States.

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