Chernobyl Yeshiva in Bnei Brak on Strike

strike.jpgThe reaction is one of disbelief among many, while others are deciding what can be done, as the maggidei shiur and other rabbonim simply did not appear in the Chernobyl Yeshiva in Bnei Brak on Sunday after not receiving their salaries for a number of months. It appears the rabbonim of the yeshiva ketana have not been paid for six months.

According to a Chareidim report the “talmidim are fuming” at the fact the rabbonim have decided to strike. While this may be the case, others explain the rabbonim selected this time period because it is Chanukah and in any event, there is only a half day, so it was a good time to permit the rabbonim to “flex their muscles” in the hope of eliciting a response.

The yeshiva ketana includes about 80 talmidim and according to the report, it is considered one of the better yeshivos in the framework of chassidishe yeshivos.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

17 Responses

  1. Haven’t been paid in six months? What are their children eating? Is this how we treat the most important people in our community?


  2. Not been paid for SIX months? The administration thinks these rebbeim are malachim who don’t need to eat? What about their children? Just let them go hungry too? They’ll learn a lot of Torah that way.

    How can we agonize about “kids off the derech” when we don’t respect the people who teach them? Why should they respect a Torah that doesn’t seem to respect some of the most important people in their lives – the ones who teach them Torah?

    The whole issue of not paying rebbeim is a Chilllul HaShem. We should hang our heads in shame at the way we treat our teachers, upon whom the entire survival of our community depends.

  3. I agree with the rabbis who are on strike. Religous institutions need to pay in full and on time. If they can’t, their creditors should have a say in the management, especially concerning the disposition of assets, like any other bankruptcy proceeding.

  4. Everything you are all saying is of course true.
    But if parents don’t pay tuition, then how do you expect the teachers to get paid?
    Even more so if the tuition doesnt cover the full budget. The school takes upon themselves the responsibility to raise the remaining gap.
    But in a financial crisis what are they to do?
    Its really the parents responsibility to cover all the costs.
    In the end, you must show tremendous sympathy for the roshei mosdos.

  5. Good for thhe REbbes! I have worked for schools who didn’t pay for months and its timee that Torah teachers stood up for what is rright and what is halachic

  6. i think i once heard from rabbi miller that its ossur for a rebbe to go on strike. did anyone else hear such a thing from rabbi miller?

    maybe he held it would be better to quit if he is not getting paid?

    any talmidim of rabbi miller out there? i would love to be corrected if i am wrong.

  7. To all of the commentators: is any one of you ready to help this great yeshivah by giving them any money?? I didn’t see anyone asking where he can send in a check. Or do you think that giving away your valuable time by commenting here, is enough for you?

  8. and fyi, before anyone attacks me, I am a student myself. I would love to help them out but I do not have that kind of cash. All my extra $ goes towards the regular charities I support and school obviously.

  9. #15, you are right. I should have been dan l’kaf z’chus. Most of the commentators are probably students (such as myself). Working people don’t have time for these things.

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