Rabbonim to Visit Vandalized Mosque

cr.jpgThe vandalism attack against a Shechem area mosque seems to have the Jewish leaders and some rabbonim panicked, to the point that a delegation of rabbonim affiliated with the dati leumi community are planning to visit the village and the damaged mosque.

According to a Ynet report filed by correspondent Kobi Nachshoni, the rabbonim will not only visit the targeted mosque but assist in cleaning it and donate a new Koran to replace the burned one. The report states the rabbonim taking part in the visit are identified with the political left, headed by Rabbi Yehuda Gilad, affiliated with Meimad in the past and rosh yeshiva of the Maale Gilboa Kibbutz HaDati Yeshiva. Gilad was quoted as saying he and his colleagues plan to expel the dark during these days of Chanukah. Also included in the delegation and among the organizers is the rabbi of Yishuv Tekoa Rabbi Menachem Fruman, who is known for meeting with senior Hamas and other terror leaders in the past. 

Gilad explains rabbonim from all parts of the country and different walks of life will be taking part in the delegation, adding the common denominator is the human message, not political affiliation.

Minister of Information & Diaspora Affairs, Yuli Edelstein, a shomer Shabbat Jew and a resident of Gush Etzion condemned the attack against the mosque but called for “keeping things in proportion”.

Edelstein pointed out that “hours were devoted on Israel Radio this morning to discuss the attack while a total of 20 seconds were given to report on the stabbing attack of a female in Gush Etzion on motzei shabbos”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. Wow !! This last line knocked me off , 20 second for a stabbing attack ?? This is ridicules !!! The news of the Mosque, is allready finshed !! The stabbing should take over all the news , and I wanna see arabs coming to visit and pay the dr. For this poor girl stabbed !!

  2. Something tells me that the gedolim would not back their actions. I assume that their actions are based on fear. Some aspects may even constitute a chilul Hashem.

    I wouldn’t even be surprised if it turns out that the real culprits were arabs or leftest trying to make Jews look bad.

  3. BS”D

    Ah, but will the ShaBak plant who did this (assuming it was not vandalized because of some primitive family feud) visit as well and apologize as he helps with rebuilding?

  4. Why can these people get their facts straight before assuming that Jews did it? It is a known fact that the arabs like to stage things up.

  5. Vandalize their own mosque? Burn a Koran? No way! Their mosques are too precious to them, and the koran too sacred. They would only sacrifice their children, not something really valuable and eternal!

  6. you all missed the point. these Muslims need no excuse to carry out there ist attacks and if they have an excuse ie. this case, then for sure they will do something. these rabbies even if there intentions are otherwise they are to some extent “watering down” this “vandalism” so that the Muslims can’t use it as an excuse.

  7. #7 you obviously The shias and sunnis blow up eachothers mosques, there was almost a civil war in Iraq a few years ago because of a holy shia mosque blown up by Al qaida.

  8. #7 you obviously dont read the news. The shias and sunnis blow up eachothers mosques, there was almost a civil war in Iraq a few years ago because of a holy shia mosque blown up by sunni Al qaida terrorists.

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