Body of Missing Israeli Hiker Identified – Killed By Snake

zm.jpgThe body of missing Israeli hiker Omri Lahad, who disappeared over a month ago, has been found. It appears the 23-year-old hiker was R”L bitten by a poisonous snake, and his body was found near the Colombia-Brazil border.

The body was being held in a local police station since no one identified the remains, and the widespread circulation of his photo on missing person flyers alerted police to his identity.

It appears the determination regarding the snake bite is based on fang marks on his body. The family was officially informed and Foreign Ministry officials are making efforts to have the body returned home for kvura in Eretz Yisrael.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. When the israli will stop going to places like these, R”L every few month we have hear storis like lke this one…B
    aruch Dayan HaEmes

  2. There are tens of thousands of young Israelis roaming all over the USA in our own backyards. Thousands are working in malls throughout the country, and would be more than happy if you came over to them and struck up a friendly conversation with them. Most would even accept a Shabbos invitation if you extended it to them. How about inviting them to a Chanuka mesiba in your home or office? Let’s all do out part in bringing these precious neshomos closer to their roots.

  3. Probably survived 3 years of dangerous army service in Eretz Yisrael, to die from a snake bite in the jungles of Colombia.
    So sad…
    Baruch Dayan Emes.

  4. The correct term is venomous snake – if the hiker had eaten it and died, then he would have been killed by a poisonous snake. Check it out.

  5. May Hashem comfort his mourners among all the mourners of Israel.

    And, number #3. Antisemtism, unfortunately, is very much a factor in too many things, as YOU may be well aware, if you know yourself well enough.

  6. Geshicked – I do not understand your challenge. Are you objecting to my pointing out that the author of this piece misused a word? I think Frum news sources need to hold themselves to the same professional standards as other print media. How can we take pride in Chochmaschem UBinaschem BayNei HoAmim if we cannot even speak or write the language of the land?

  7. TTYL zy nischt a naar
    Since venom is injected, and poison is ingested, technically snakes are not “poisonous” or “non-poisonous”. They are “venomous” and “non-venomous”. However, since most people refer to snakes as poisonous or non-poisonous (and use these words in search engines), these terms are used here to describe snakes. My intention was not to deceive anyone or provide incorrect terminology, only to make these pages easier to find

  8. TTYL: If your motives were that pure your comment should have been prefaced by words of sympathy. Only after that is there room for critism. And even then: considering that this article was about a loss of a young Jewish life perhaps your comment was not that important and even approaching the insensitive.

  9. 11. I’m sorry but I don’t speak Yiddish. I am guessing that you were pointing out that while I am technically correct, you are justified in using a word that makes the most sense from a search engine point of view. I guess that is a new method of journalism – to sacrifice literary accuracy for the sake of broader appeal? I don’t know your profession but appreciate your taking the time to make this point.

    12. I am sorry if my comment seemed offensive. I have been to many shiva homes where many people seem to rely on “Shomeya KeOneh” with regards to being Menachem Avel. I think the earlier posters pretty much summed up the sentiments of the rest of us. I wanted to make sure my point would be heard without getting glossed over as just another “Boruch Dayan Emes” comment.

    I respectfully disagree with your analysis though. I see no reason for not holding our sources of information to a high standard of integrity. Neither of us know who else reads postings from this site and what sort of opinion they form about Frum Yidden. The least we can do is to show a very professional and conscientious face.

    What I find interesting about the back and forth here is the very edgy and icy tones that border on insult. I am certain that if we were looking at one another over a piece of kugel at a kiddush, you would speak with far more deference.

  10. TTYL: Then preface your comment with at least a Baruch Dayan Emes. Stories like these should break your heart and any criticism that you may have should at least first be tempered with (at minimum the initials) BD”E. After that, if your intentions are for the good of the site, then send the editor a note or apologetically inteject your correction for the edification of the mourners.

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