Eida Operations Officer Arrested on Suspicion of Assaulting a Woman

ykr.jpgYoelish Krauss, known as the operations officer of the Eida Chareidis, was arrested on Sunday afternoon on suspicion of spraying a woman who was walking in Meah Shearim with pepper spray.

The incident did not occur on Sunday, but a documentary on Toldos Aaron Chassidim which appeared on Channel 10 News led a victim to identify Krauss to police, leading to his arrest. It appears the event occurred during Chol Hamoed Sukkos when men and women are instructed to remain on opposite sides of the street. According to the report, the victim did not respond to instructions quickly enough and was sprayed with the irritating substance.

Krauss denies the allegations against him.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. The Badatz Yerushlayim/Eida clearly and repeatedly stated this meshugana is not affiliated with them despite his grandiose claims.

  2. #5. Guess what? They were absolutely correct and the first ones to report that the whole boy in the balloon story does in fact appear to be a hoax! Charges have been filed, witnesses have lined up, and kudos to YWN!!!

  3. Here we go again, every negative incident that ever occurs happened by a fringe extremist…..gets you to thinking??????? no????

  4. Why is his name and picture posted? The YWN offices are obliged by Dinim of Lashon Horah too! And the reason we use them for our source of news is precisely because you are obligated and respect that obligation too! We shouldn’t be reading about Sharpton vs. Rush either. It’s not filtered news any more – it’s the street news in a different package.

  5. Of course it’s not loshon hora, there’s a toeles.

    If any woman sees this bandit approach, she should know to run away asap, or activate an attack alarm. Thank you YWN for your sterling public service.

  6. How is this loshon hora??? It is a news story, no different than reporting on Madoff, except this guy is accused of violence rather than just stealing.

  7. The Edah has disavowed this unfortunate individual. Most probably, he is an oisvorf or someone who has been caught doing something and was then propositioned by certain parties to make trouble in the guise of a Yerushalmi kanoi.

    Reb Yoilish of Satmar ZYA, for whom this meshuggener is apparently named, would not want anything to do with this menuval, who belongs in cherem.

  8. # 15 – Violence rather than
    JUST stealing?! But haven’t
    Chazal taught us that the
    gezar din to bring the mabul
    was finalized due to stealing?

    #7 – This is no fringe group!
    They represent the “old
    yishuv.” What is known as
    the Agudah, actually broke off
    from them in the 40’s. They
    disavowed themselves from
    another fringe group – the
    Neturei Karta. They have been,
    and continue to be, the most
    trusted name in kashrus
    throughout Israel and the
    world. Their chesed is legendary.
    Their tzidkus of another world.
    We rely on the piskei halachah
    for everything. Please, oh
    please check your sources before
    you print a piece.

    Also could you once and for all
    Disclose which halachic
    authority is consulted
    regarding what you post?

  9. From other sources the story is a little bit diferant this lady specialy went on the side of the men and didn’t want to go on the female section i’m not giving him backing for what he did but i don’t like the way you put down the story of a temimesdige lady was going on the street and she got atacked for doing nothing.

  10. I’m not condoning what this guy did, but if you’ve been on meah shearim during chol hamoed, you’ll understand this a little better. The crowd is so thick that its impossible to walk without touching the people all around you. So there is good reason for having men and women on separate sides of the street at this time. We’re not talking saudi arabia and burkas here – its simply assur for men and women to be touching each other.

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