SECRET REPORT: IAEA Says Iran Can Make Nuke Bomb

iran1.jpgA breaking news report released by the Associated Press just moments ago, claims that they have seen a “secret report” in which the International Atomic Energy Agency agrees with Washington’s fears that Iran has the capabilities to manufacture a nuclear bomb. The “secret report” also concludes that Iran is currently working on producing a missile which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

Additionally, the AP reports that the highly secret IAEA document which the USA claims IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei withheld, says Iran has “sufficient information” and will “overcome problems” on missile technology.

The US, France, and Israel have recently accused the outgoing head of the IAEA, Mohammad ElBaradei, of concealing information regarding Iran’s nuclear program. ElBaradei rejected the allegations, saying they had political motives.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. this also just in: VIENNA (Reuters) – The U.N. nuclear watchdog said Thursday it had no proof that Iran has or once had a covert atomic bomb program, dismissing a news report that it had concluded Iran was on its way to producing nuclear weapons.

    In a statement, the International Atomic Energy Agency reaffirmed IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei’s September 9 warning that allegations the agency was sitting on undeniable evidence of Iranian bomb work were “politically motivated and baseless.”

    “With respect to a recent media report, the IAEA reiterates that it has no concrete proof that there is or has been a nuclear weapons program in Iran,” the statement said.

  2. #4:
    and then after that will be “utzu aitza visufor dabru davar vil yakum ki imanu kel”!!

    Daven Hard and leave the rest to G-d

  3. Bashefer, ratevet unz!!

    I want to wish all of my fellow bloggers with the exception of samsam and macandcheese a very happy and healthy new year. May we all merit to witness the final redemption with Moshiach Tzidkainu. Amen!!

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