Tragedy: Beit Shemesh Mother of 10 Dies of Swine Flu

candle911.gifA 35-year-old chareidi woman, Bracha Feiga Williger A”H, a resident of Beit Shemesh, was niftar earlier on Sunday in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital due to “complications of swine flu”. She gave birth to a still born earlier in the day, apparently a victim of the illness too R”L.

She is survived by her husband and 10 children, the eldest being 14 and the youngest 18 months. The husband, R’ Avraham, is a maggid shiur in a Satmar yeshiva ketana in Yerushalayim.

Doctors rushed the woman into emergency surgery and realized the infant was dead. Her condition then took a sharp turn for the worse and efforts to save her life were unsuccessful. She returned her neshama to her Creator at 5:10pm.

Information regarding the levaya to be announced.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

18 Responses

  1. Israeli Yid – in Israel the staff can have all the selfless, pure intentions in the world…. unfortunaley, it is the Tzionist Anti-Dosi MANAGERS that count… and they really dont mind using us as Guinea Pigs in that wonderful University Hospital!!!!! I have a very thick pamphlet with horrible personal stories specifically from Hadassah Ein Karem. I’ll be more than happy to send it.

  2. To Israeli yid,
    Who says there is hysteria? Your long drasha doesn’t agree with the CDC statistics. They say 25 out of 10,000 pregnant women are hospitalized for flu complications during flu season. They also say there is a greater risk of complications and DEATH due to the Swine flu in pregnant women. Do you really think they are making this up just to make everyone hysterical or they are basing this on actual research? What literature do you have to back up your statements? It seems you are the one playing it down -for what reason I don’t know. Your own case means nothing statistically -research is always based on populations- usually large ones.

  3. Hadassa is full of Anti-Charedim doctors who are very likely to intentionally let go of some dosit woman’s life R’L….a great form of depopulation. ofcourse all in the hands of Hashem but from personal horrible experience I had with Hadassah’s staff I can tell u, NO RELIGIOUS PERSON SHOULD STEP A FOOT IN THAT PLACE. T.N.TS.B.H

  4. Hand washing helps, but sorry it’s not that simple. It’s a respiratory flu. Someone coughs in your face, all the hand washing in the world isn’t going to help.

  5. Maybe this mother DID all the above good advice – good hygeine etc.We don’t know and we can’t make assumptions. Hashem took her for His reasons. May her neshomo have an aliayah and may her family have a nechomo. Boruch dayan hoemes.(I personally would NOT get the flu shots)

  6. To #10,
    Who is being hysterical? Maybe you just aren’t comfortable with the facts? Also, I wouldn’t call pregnancy a medical complication. The other flu’s don’t cause death during pregnancy. It seems your attitude is -if I didn’t succumb to it, who cares if someone else does. Don’t be so self-centered.

  7. To mybat,
    A quarantine is simply putting a person who was exposed to a disease in confinment until either they get over the sickness and aren’t contaigous anymore or until the period of transmission passes if they didn’t become symptomatic. It is not a permanent jail sentence. It has nothing to do with your race or country of origin. But our president was more interested in PC than human lives. He was scared that his Hispanic constituency would say the same thing you did. This is the farthest thing from the truth! Now it’s too late to implement such a program, the disease is too widespread!

  8. It’s very basic, just wash your hands properly, the key word being ‘properly’ with soap and water. You don’t need vitamins … eat properly!! it’s a regular flu.

  9. הלוויתה של האשה ברכה פיגא ויליגר ע”ה שנפטרה תצא הערב בשעה 21:00 מבית הכנסת ‘אוהל ישרים’ ברח’ אשלג בשכונת בית ישראל בירושלים בדרכה להר המנוחות

  10. 1) take a multi-vitamin every day
    2) drink plenty of water
    4) get enough sleep.
    5) last but definitely NOT least, daven to HaSh-m to keep you, your family and all klal Yisrael healthy!

  11. Health you say that me and my family and my community shouldve been quarentined even though less people here got sick than say In many cities in the USA ? All your Jewish brothers in mexico? Thanx!!!!

  12. Very sad, but the blame for the swine flu pandemic can be squarely put on the heads of all liberal govs. of the world. Especially Obama, if he would have quaranteened the people who were exposed to this flu coming out of Mexico, the rest of the world would have done the same. If these people would have been quaranteened, it would have almost for sure not turned into a pandemic.

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