‘Blood Libel 2’ Pamphlet Sent to Judge’s Home

bli.jpgA pamphlet entitled Blood Libel 2 was sent to the home of Jerusalem District Court Justice Moshe Ravid, who is hearing the case of the Meah Shearim mom, resulting in a stir, Ynet reported on Sunday.

Marking the second time in as many weeks that such a publication was released, police have decided not to take chances, stepping up security for the judge.

Justice Ravid on Tuesday is expected to announce his decision regarding vociferous demands by the prosecution that the mother be distanced from her Meah Shearim home and children, insisting the social worker reports point to her being a danger to the children.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

14 Responses

  1. The info in the 2 booklets is indeed very scary stuff, if even half what it says in there is true it would be enough to make all Israelis shiver and think twice before going to the hospital,Lets hope the judge read the booklets before he handed it to the police.

    to #1 Pashuteh Yid you write
    They are 100% correct that it is a blood libel–against the hospital and medinah.
    Q: who is 100% correct, that you are writing with such a pashtus that the mother is wrong don”t you believe in the issur of Loshen Horah? and to go so far and claim that it is a blood libel–against the hospital and medinah.! who are you kidding do you know Israels history of abuse?!!

    you further write berov chochmoscha “How much money was put into printing this pamphlet? Isn’t there an issur of bal tashchis?”
    Q: LOL forget about the Mitzvah that there is by spreading the truth, why is it worse than printing any reading material!!??

    You further write:
    The rest of “us” should beware of where our money may be going when we donate to certain groups.

    Q: who is the rest of “US” do you have some kind of group that gives money to certain types of tzedakas?!! or are you just one of those anti semite hockers looking to promote sinah against the Eidah people?

  2. My immediate reaction is that this is the work of the usual ShaBaK-Shabab-police coalition that is out to make the “shearis hapleita” of the Old Yishuv look like criminals. They are the same ones leading the violence and are in essence a fifth column planted there by the medine.

  3. why must security be reinforced because he received a booklet?? terrible violence. they make it sound like they sent him a mail bomb!!!

    Is the judge scared to know the truth?
    If the accused is totally ignored in this Mafia judicial system as is well-known among people involved in this case, at least the judge will have the opportunity to hear the truth of the side of the innocent mother while the prosecutors are not around.

    When the judge listened to the fabrications of the prosecutors for 5 hours non stop in the August 26/09 court session and the defendant wanted to speak up, the judge silenced her as if she does not exist. She had no chance whatsoever to present her case after that!!!

    Is there indeed justice in Israeli court? Or is this a one-sided Mafia Sodomite Court?

  4. the best way to combat this –
    1)Boycott all hospital, doctors and health care workers that have any connection to the Medinah. 2)All Eida adherents should only to go to doctors that trained in Eida Chareidis medical schools
    3)All Kupat Cholim centers that are run by the medinah should be avoided at all cost. It a Sakah Neshashos to walk into one.

    You will really show them who is boss.

  5. #1 is 100% correct. I am so suprised by the other posters to this story. They are in denial if they can’t see that this woman needs help. It is the hospital’s right to protect their patients especially this young child. Yidden who are against the hospital are obviously blinded by their hatred towards the hospital and yidden who are not like them. Unfortunately, their hatred prevents them from seeing the emes in this case. This woman must be kept away from her children. She obviously needs help quickly.

  6. No one posting knows the truth. Only the people involved do, even though by this time the real story, whatever it is, is so skewed that people forget details.
    Why can’t everyone here focus on the issue – is the mother a danger to her children, r”l, or not.
    This is not about “Who is against who” The bad guys, the medinah, the hospital.
    It’s about the welfare of innocent vulnerable children. In these cases one must err on the side of caution, and then investigate all parts of the story.

  7. if the Israeli system is so meessed up and they are so anti charedi, why do they want the boys in Japan to be tranffered to Israel.

  8. # 12 you are really correct, these blogs have been going on for months and its the same story nobody knows the truth. Whoever demonstrates and writes these ridiculous pamphlets must have big shoulders to assume innocense for this mother. They are demonstrating the fact that a mother is being accused of child malnoureshment, neglect and a mentall illness without nowing facts and that is a fact!

  9. Remember that the original court-appointed psychiatrist examined her and concluded that she is psychologically healthy and not a danger to her children, and when the prosecutors said they understood that to mean that she was fit to stand trial, the judge in the case said she was disgusted with them. Remember also that Reb Dovid Soloveichik, shlita, has written that the charges against her are lies and fabrications (I have it in his handwriting) and that it is a big mitzva of pidyon shvuyim to help her. Does anyone know of a talmid chacham of comparable stature who disagrees with Reb Dovid? If not, it seems to me that emunas chachamim requires any ben Torah to accept his view.

  10. #16 there is no reason why the truth is not known. The current Minister of Health is himself Chareidi and has in his power to have the records reviewed by any group of world experts. Ultimately, if there is a serious problem with the healthcare system, HE has to fix it. Being a Minister has real responsibilities (it’s not just political) and I truthfully believe that he has to know the real story.

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