A Letter From Rabbi Zwiebel

zwe.jpgI am writing to friends and supporters of Agudath Israel to call your attention to an important gathering for the men of our community tomorrow night, Tuesday, 7 Menachem Av/July 28, in the Ohr Hachayim Viznitz Hall, 1824 53rd Street, in Brooklyn.

The asifa, which is being sponsored by community askonim, will be focusing on the timeless (but also all too timely) theme of “Vi’asisa hayashar vi’hatov.” It will feature two distinguished rabbonim – Harav Avrohom Schorr, shlita, and Harav Dovid Ozieri, shlita; as well as two respected legal experts – Benjamin Brafman, Esq. and Jacob Laufer, Esq. I will be serving as the evening’s chairman. We will start with Mincha at 7:15 and then proceed with the program.

Introspection about how to better live our lives in consonance with Torah ideals is always timely. It is particularly timely during the days leading up to Tisha B’Av, when we mourn the fact that we remain in Golus, and the reasons why.

And in the wake of recent headlines and front-page photographs that made every feeling Jewish heart ache, it is even more timely for us to take a good, hard look at our obligations to our fellows, to our society, to our government.

I don’t think I can adequately convey how compelling this gathering should be to us all. But I am confident that you realize how vital it is that we hear words of mussar and chizuk, and that we learn to distinguish between conduct that conforms with dina d’malchusa and conduct that does not. I am also confident that you understand how important it is to demonstrate to the wider world how heartfelt and determined Jews respond to news like the tragic tidings of recent days. Tomorrow night’s symposium and our attendance are an important part of that response.

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
Executive Vice President
Agudath Israel of America

27 Responses

  1. This effort of the Agudah is laudable, but it won’t change anything. The yetzer to be moreh heter b’inyanei momonos is our equivalent of yitzra d’avodah zara in the times of the Anshei Knesses HaGadolah.

  2. Agudah should be commended for hosting such an event, espessialy at this point. For too long there have, unfortunately been those in our community who do not always do the right thing when it comes to Dina D’ Malchusa, including a public proclamation that it is OK to not report all your income to the government on your taxes, as was done by a prominent Rav in public a few years ago. It is important that we, as frum Jews, go above and beyond with this issue in a country that ahs been so good to our people and show that we are moral and a true Ohr Lagoyim.

  3. I fear that this gathering, at this time, will be misinterpreted as a condemnation of our brethren in the Sfardi community, who were victimized by this Mossur’s entrapment techniques, playing on their feeling of RachMonUs for a fellow Jew in need.

    Can’t we postpone this gathering for a later time, when it will not be linked to these events?

  4. #3 This is not the first time that these types of topics have been addressed at this venue and in no way should it be a reflection or a response against out brothers in the Sefardic community, a holy community that is legendary in their chessed , midos, tefillah and Tzedokah. Every community has to deal with these distractions and it appears that no one community is immune, sadly. We all have our Nisyonus and the time before Tisha B’av is most appropriate to have this type of gathering irrespective of last weeks events. Kol Hakovod to the Agudah and to Rabbi Zwiebel for saying it like it is. How refreshing to read words of truth. Chazak V’ematz-the Geulah is near.

  5. I am hopeful that the rabbonim who speak stress the fact that notwithstanding that we try to insulate ourselves as a community from the rest of the world, we can’t afford to lose sight of the fact that the world looks at Torah observant Jews with a very critical eye because the world understands that we have an obligation among our Torah obligations to obey the law of the land. It is a difficult balance that reflects the fact that we need to see the world for what it is and not look away from the outside world completely, even if that results in allowing some outside influences to naturally creep in.

  6. In response to # 3, I don’t believe it’s ever a good time for this. however, it must be done. Now when the

  7. I wish this would be viewed as related to only segment of our community, unfortunately this behavior is rampant among every segment of our community

  8. Perhaps it will be mentioned at the symposium that the way to be an honest, upright member of society is only through the constant study and focus on MUSSAR, not a one night mussar shmuess.

  9. Harav Dovid Ozieri, shlita is from the sefardic comminity and he will be speaking. I commend the Aguda for calling this very important asifa and this is in no way a condemnation of the Serfardi coomunity

  10. This type of gathering is supposed to be a yearly event during the 9 days. At least it was for the past 2 years. I do think that unfortunately it is not enough. Each and every Rav in every community has to address these types of issues on a weekly basis. Our nature is to first mourn and then quickly forget. The financial pressures of the average frum family is tremendous. We are all looking for a way to make a quick buck. Sometimes without rational thinking. What the Agudah is doing tomorrow night is highly commendable. But, if the theme of “Vi’asisa hayashar vi’hatov” stops at tomorrow nights gathering,it will be a quick dose of reality, and by next week we will all have forgotten the message. It’s sad to say, but we need continued education on this subject.

  11. I agree that the vast majority of ileagal activities are wrong, and definately against the very fabric of our Emunah, but if I have $50,000 that could go to uncle Obama or to a Kollel in Eretz Yisroel (as in the case of R’ Ben Haim), and I streach my neck out so that it should go to Eretz Yisroel – I’m not so sure it’s so ‘un-ethical’, and no one could have anticipated such a spy from within to guaranty the Chilul Hashem that it ended up to be.

    And to put down such yidden who are moser nefesh for Yiddishkeit, and to view them through the glasses of the FBI and the goyishe media is most certanly un-ethical. Although I’m not saying that’s what is surely taking place.

    The gathering is very important, and the time is now, but let’s look at all sides of the coin…

  12. Obviously we can’t all be there…will cd/dvd be available for sale…and might it be possible to have live hookups to other kehilos?

  13. I have to commend the Agudah for seeing fit to hold this Asifa. However, if a few key points are not stressed, I’m afraid the Asifa will accomplish nothing:

    I) Yes, there is a concept of Dina D’malchusa. But if we fail to communicate that we owe the US a basic debt of gratitude out of mentschlichkeit, regardless of Dina D’malchusa, we will have missed the point. It’s not only a debt of gratitude to the US but to Hashem for providing this haven.

    II) It may be too late to change the basic mindset of our current adult popultaion when it comes to deeply ingrained attitudes of “us” vs. “them”. But perhaps we can ensure that our children are getting this message at the every opportunuity. Specifically, 1) when and if chas v’shalom stories like this break, our children need to hear us groan in pain, not offer indignant excuses about how the authorities are scapegating frum people. Our children should see as much pain and affront in our reactions to news of financial scandal as they would in our reaction to the news that someone had been feeding our community treif. 2) When rebeeim teach a gemarah about dinei Akum, they need to be unequivecal in the clear message that none of it pertains in the here and now and that kaparah for chilul Hashem is very difficult to attain. 3) To this end, efforts need to made not just by the Agudah but by Torah Umesorah to educate our generation of mechanchim to reinforce this message at every opportunity.

    May we be zoche to “Tzion b’mishpat tipadeh” very soon.

  14. To Anonymous: Maybe you should hold your nose when you deal with the freieh velt. What do you mean by “creep in?” One of the biggest problems with the current state of frum society is its gaiva and condescending attitude towards other Jews. Tu-tu-tu Tuma! Oy, how it creeps up on you in the dark. Booo! When you’re pro-active in Ahavas Yisroel you don’t worry about it. You don’t wash your hands after shaking hands with another Yid who doesn’t know what you claim to know. As long as this “us and them” machloh infects us we will continue the Chilul Hashem that this terrible scandal has shown us to be quite capable of. Amalek is around the corner. That- you should fear.

  15. Our first step in curbing improprieties in our midst, is lessening almost worship of “Askanim” which our children see, feel and hear, making children of all ages dream of being an Askan one day. Their awareness that Askanim have the keys to much accomplishment, and have the admiration of the public, has an effect on them. Askanim are NOT Gedolim and Gedolim are NOT Askanim. Ask much of our youth if they’d rather be an Askan or a Gadol, and observe their response. No doubt our treatment of Askanim gets ingrained and, is connected to major decisions in life.

  16. Quite ironic how the very hall they chose to have this Asifa in was created illegaly and only through politics & much arm twisting is it still functioning as a catering hall. I wonder if any building inspectors were….I’d rather not finish the sentence.

  17. well , i hope we will hear more about the ‘sin ‘ of ‘ mesirah’ being a rat in the view of halacha ‘ what is allowed to talk and what is not !!!!
    hope to hear in what cases is the USA a din of dina demalchsa , we all know not in all cases this din is in efect !!!

    hope to hear ‘ halacha ‘ not ”the law ” this mess came about someone being reckless on halacha

  18. Perhaps it will be mentioned at the symposium that the way to be an honest, upright member of society is…
    by getting an honest job before you get married and have to support yourself, wife and kids.

  19. after the events of this past Friday is this the best lineup that the Agudah can come up with to teach menshlichkite to the klal? where are all the
    members of the Moetzes to smash us over the head and say enough of this “KROOME SHTICK”. I don’t want to hear mussar from a lawyer who defends the scum of the earth. I want to hear it from the Gedolim. Their silence so far has been deafening

  20. #1 and all others who are so negative about learning from our errors: Stop this nonsense! We need as much Mussar and change we can do. Now more than ever do we have to make a Kidush H-shem. And if even one person changes, Al Achas Kama V’kama….

  21. goodpop, you shouldn’t have to resort to namecalling to get your point across. Rabbi Z does a tremendous service for the Klal in his position at the Agudah. We don’t know what they do behind the scenes on our behalf. One cannot be so close minded as to say “I don’t want to hear mussar from a lawyer who defends the scum of the earth.” As a lawyer he can point out the parts of the Judicial System that we are not aware of. What happens in various circumstances….

  22. “Vi’asisa hayashar vi’hatov” teaches us halachot like “dina d’bar metzra” the right of first refusal that is granted to a neighbor upon the sale of real property. Why not a session on something much simpler like “LO SIGZOL” that’s pretty easy. We also know from Chazal that if you don’t teach your children to earn an honest living you are teaching them “listus” or robbery.

  23. Its more than that: There is a mentality that you ask a Ruv about religious stuff and not about secular stuff and then when parnassa is going bad you pay more attention to segulas than whether you have money that doesn’t belong to you messing up the flow of beracho from Hashem.

    Sure you consult with a Ruv on what sofer to use, where to buy a good arba minim, where to send kids to yeshiva — how many folks check with a Ruv whether it is mutar to pay employees only in cash or to classify employees as independent contractors so the employees have to in effect pay ribis to you for giving them a job.

  24. Is this Asifa going to be broadcast on the web for those of us who can’t make it there?

    If it is could someone please post the link.

  25. From last week’s Haftorah (Yeshaya Ch. 1). The text ages well.

    “Your rulers are rebels, companions of thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the fatherless; the widow’s case does not come before them.”

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