Murder of Toddler Brings Awareness to Mainstream Media

ng1.jpgThe tragic murder of 3-year-old Noa Goldring has shocked the nation and has led to an awareness on the part of the secular media, on Monday quoting a number of chareidi news agencies and the descriptive terms used regarding the murderer.

The daily Yisrael HaYom for example cites that chareidi agencies describe the father who strangled his daughter in her sleep as a “left-wing secularist” and similar terms are also used in other reports, prompting the Israeli media to stop and take notice. The reports surrounding the murder are the chareidi response to the chareidi-bashing seen in other recent cases, highlighted by the hit-and-run trial of Itamar Biton, the son of Chadera’s sephardi chief rabbi and of course, the Meah Shearim mother suspected of abusing her toddler son. In both these cases, which were given prominent media coverage, the “chareidi” label was never omitted, making certain to make the connection with the alleged wrong-doer and the shomer shabbos community. 

The chareidi media used the recent murder to show that in the secular press, the murderer is described as “the father” and not “a known left-wing activist” or “secularist”, questioning why when the defendant is shomer shabbos or chareidi does the media run to place a highlight on the suspect’s level of religious observance.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. The Shomer Shabbas community is expected to have a higher ethical standard than the general population, therefore when matters go wrong in our community, the Chareidi element is highlighted, whereas if we do something good then the general press doesn’t highlight the Chareidi pedigree, as this is the way we should behave. It is the special status of the shomer shabbas community that requires each & every one of us a the am segula.

  2. It’s not fair and I am not so naive as to think there isn’t a bias in most of the media.
    But there is a major difference: we hold ourselves to a higher standard.
    When a person robs, assaults, abuses drugs, whatever, it is not newsworthy–it happens everyday. When a frum Yid robs, assaults, abuses drugs it is different: the frum Yid has, by his very nature, stated that he holds himself to Torah values and makes it a STORY. And it makes it a chillul HaShem.
    And for some, not all, of the non-frum it gives them a sense of vindication: “I don’t even try to keep the Torah but those who do fail: I don’t feel so bad”

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