Increasing Battle Against Jerusalem Mehadrin Lines

eged6.jpgMK (Likud) Tzipi Hotovely, who chairs the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women, is working against the mehadrin lines in Jerusalem. Ms. Avital Feldman, who is a leader in the battle against mehadrin lines, states the response supporting their opposition is encouraging. She explains there are a growing number of complaints from women who have fallen victim to abuse on buses on which passengers demand they sit in the rear.

Hundreds of supporters, opponents of the mehadrin lines, are expected to take part in a kenos in Hebrew University in Yerushalayim on Monday. Feldman other anti-mehadrin activists organized the event. A panel will address attendees. Panel members include former High Court Justice Dalia Dorner, Jerusalem Councilwoman Rachel Azariya, feminist Dr. Orit Kamir and Prof. Alon Harel, a member of the law faculty.

Organizers are however disappointed that Transportation Minister (Likud) Yisrael Katz has declined an invitation. They explain his office released a laconic explanation, that he receives too many invitations to attend all the functions.

Lending strong support to the opposition is MK Hotovely, who explains as a shomer Shabbat Jew; there is no halachic basis for segregation on buses, which she insists is unacceptable in the 21st century from a social and religious perspective.

Israel’s Reform Movement is also joining the renewed opposition after limited satisfaction from the High Court of Justice over recent years. The renewed opposition to the mehadrin lines however has sparked a rejuvenated effort from the Reform Movement.

The stepped-up opposition is timed to precede the recommendation of the Transportation Committee fact-finding committee which is scheduled to release its report on the matter.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

55 Responses

  1. There are private bus lines, I think the state line should be as the owner/stockholder wish and the riders should shop where they what to.

  2. i wish that i could explain to all those women who feel humiliated that their whole understanding of seperate seating is a misconception.

    maybe someone can get the word out. with siyata dishmaya i will attempt to clarify.

    for starters, in halacha it is clear that a man should not go behind a woman. (the whole culture of ‘ladies first’ is not very torah oriented, sorry.) now, why is that so? it has everything to do with the male being, something that we females cannot ever claim to understand, just as a male will never understand what it’s like to bear a child and have monthly cycles. it behooves all of us feminine beings to accept this fact of nature that we cannot understand how a male body reacts to certain circumstances, namely when encountering the opposite sex.

    i will digress for a while here and make a statement that will probably not be accepted by most of the population at first. however, if there is anyone out there honest enough to take an honest look, and anyone out there bold enough to try it out they will quickly realize that it is true. the statement i’m about to write is not based on my own conclusion but on the words of our sages who were masters of human behavior study. (here goes,) the more one gives in to the sexual desires and the more one is exposed to pornography the more desensitized one becomes. please read that twice before reacting.

    coming back to the beginning again, our society, the religious society is extremely sensitised precisely because of our shunning of pornography and limited relations with the opposite sex aside from one’s own wife. it is perhaps for this reason that halacha mandates that a man should not go behind a woman so as to avoid gazing at her.

    for our part, us females, at least married ones, we should really feel very cherished by this fact. the fact that our men don’t gaze at or have any physical contact with another woman aside for his wife. it behooves us to embrace the fact that being squashed onto a bus in a mixed fashion and having to swipe by a male, or stand extremely close can have undesired consequences not only for the male population but for us females too.

    that’s all there is to it. maybe if all the ‘feminists’ out there would take the time to understand what this is all about there wouldn’t be such opposition.

    so before becoming all rash about having to sit in the back of the bus remember that the issue is not sitting in back of the bus but rather ITS ABOUT CHERISHING AND RESPECTING THE JEWISH WOMAN.

    for those who claim that this is not for twenty first century living this is true of the people who don’t have a mandate to be a LIGHT ONTO THE NATIONS. we as the Jewish people have a special responsibility to lead noble lives even though the rest of the world doesn’t think it’s progressive. i’m really sorry if it’s hard to accept that fact but it comes along with our birthright by being born to a Jewish mother. there is no getting around that.

    please don’t be mad at this writer just try to think about what you read and try to learn more. the writer wrote this complex concept very very concise, just to get your minds to think (and to help you cool.)

  3. Many countries have segregated seating on public transit, since apparently many women (not just Orthodox Jewish women) don’t appreciate have men leaning against or poking them. One might suggest that the problem could be minmized if: 1) Israel provided more transit so it wouldn’t be crowded; 2) Israel serious prosecuted people (primarily hilonim men) who touch women without permission (it is technically illegal, but the law is never enforced). Consider that the hiloni legal system regards rape as a minor offense, and that sexual harassment is arguably the national sport, I wouldn’t have much hope for improvement. What is really confusing to the hilonim is the idea that hareidi men object, since in most countries it is only the women who seen anything wrong with sexual harassment.

    If Israeli transit were truely private, there wouldn’t be a problem, but it is all government controlled and subsidized. Otherwise private businesses would open up bus companies that would successfully compete for the market of women who don’t like getting harassed.

  4. i was thinking that if women feel bad sitting on the back of the bus and they feel discriminated against, and therefore they want to sit up front, then shouldn’t they sit up front in shul and the men upstairs or at the back. (i asked my wife if she minds sitting at the back of the bus and was totally ok with it.)

    p.s. it also seemed strange to me that the women campaigning against the mehadrin line are both not married.

    another quick point: why do they care that a bus that goes from har nof, givat shaul, shmuel hanavi, beis yisroel should be decided on by people that dont live anywhere near there or….. you get the point

  5. MK (Likud) Tzipi Hotovely is quite right: there is no halachic basis for segregation on buses. This is chumra which should not be forced down people’s throats. A large part of the reason Yidden hate other Yidden today is because chumras are viewed as normative halacha. If those involved in this fight want to do something for the good of the public at large, not just pander to their own kanoyas, let them demand that the Ministry of Transportation enforce the rules on the [small] number of people who can stand on a bus while it is in motion. If the buses were not so crowed, the tznius issue would never exist.

  6. Perhaps passenger should purchase those sleeping masks, like the ones you get in the airplane.

    What do people do about waiting in line to go through security?

  7. Dear Dr. D – your suggestion of three sections has merit but the men have to be in the front as that is where the driver sits.

  8. I believe that this is a tremendous chillul Hashem. Perhaps if we collect several first-person accounts of women in Israel who have Benefited, as I have, from the mehadrin lines we can submit it to their kenes.

    In my opinion, these lines mainly affect, 99% of the time, people who clearly appreciate the separation of men and women. An outsider starting up with the “abuse” of women on the buses is totally out of place, so there should be a strong religious support shown.

  9. #10 – it is a tremendous KIDDUSH HA-SHEM. In most countries, the men want the right to poke women. Only in Eretz Yisrael do you see males supporting separate seating.

  10. This is all foolishness!

    What next? Seperate lines in stores, or how about seperate stores althogether. Maybe seperate days to shop. Or maybe seperate sides of the street on alternating days!!!

    You are all fools, and are making a tremendous Chillul Hashem! If you don’t want to sit near a lady, (or for some of you, a man) take a cab! Don’t force your stupidity on us! It is against the Torah!


  11. Read it again, people! The push-back is coming because of “complaints from women who have fallen victim to abuse on buses on which passengers demand they sit in the rear.”

    If these holier-than-thou fellows would behave themselves, then fewer people would mind and even fewer people would support the “anti” crowd.

    – Signed by a FFB whose frum senior-citizen mother was manhandled on a separate bus while trying to help her son come on board with 3 little kids. She had no intention sitting up front and there was no need to physically throw her off the bus.

  12. Yissi, since when have you become the posek on what is foolishness ans what is halacha? Nothing personal, but do you also offer medical and financial advice even when you have no idea of what you are talking about, or is it only in matters of halacha that you offer your learned opinion?

  13. #12: Your heart has been desensitized and blinded by our long galus. But, yes, separate lines in stores WOULD be a wonderful outcome.

  14. what are you talking about they are fools alll the rabbonimincludding everybody chassidish and litvish say that you to have seprate seating and you think you are smarter?!

  15. Asides from benefiting spiritually from separate seating, women benefit technically as well. Fellow women and girls have proven to be MUCH better at helping each other bring up strollers, hold babies and offer seats than men. women just understand what other women need and create a safe, comfortable environment for our daily commuting.

  16. yissi-if all the people who object start taking cabs, Eged may as well close down. the Chareidim make up the largest portion of the passengers in Jerusalem, which is why they should be allowed to have their buslines the way they want them (in other words, the customer is alway right- or is that not true in Israel…)

  17. #12 what exactly is bothering you? If most chareidi people want separate seating, then in those neighborhoods, there should be separate seating on the buses. The same way you don’t want to be forced to sit in the man/woman only area, we don’t want to be forced to be mixed. Maybe you should be the one to take the cap. And since the Gedolim are behind this, maybe you should be a little more careful with the way you express yourself.

  18. Yissi – what do you mean What next? All the things you fear, Seperate lines in stores, seperate stores althogether, seperate days to shop and separate sides of the street either exist in Haredi Jerusalem or have been demanded. And the sinna these demands cause is against the Torah but the kannoyim don’t consider that.

  19. I am a charedi woman living in Bet Shemesh. When the mehadrin bus line comes, I will wait the fifteen to thirty minutes extra so as not to have to sit in the back of the bus, which makes me sick. Additionally, I do not appreciate on the few occasions that I actually am traveling with my husband, sitting twenty feet away from him and needing to call his cell just to decide when we are getting off the bus. As far as the #2 to the Kosel, which I have taken often in the past, I personally asked a shaila, when I was smashed in between men on a bus leaving the Kosel on a Motzai Shabbos, and was told that negia in this type of situation does NOT constitue an issur. You very seldom see a male and female sitting together on this line if they are not related by blood or marriage, so I fail to see what issue the mehadrin bus idea is addressing. And to be frank, as a charedi woman, I do not appreciate CHASSIDISH stringencies being imposed on me. All of this hullabaloo is NOT the litvish way. It is time for people to take a look at themselves, and figure out who they are and what they really stand for, instead of jumping onto every tznius and hafgana wagon they find.

  20. My take on the situation is that as a woman, if I want to take my elderly Father to the doctor, I have the right to sit next to him, or my son, or my husband. On the mehadrin busses there should be a “family” section that is mixed and should not be harassed. Women who do not want to sit in the back with the other women would be free to sit in this family section which would be in the middle of the bus. Problem solved.

  21. #1, the problem is that there are NOT private bus lines, because Egged had them shut down. If Egged would allow private lines to run, then there wouldn’t be these protests.

  22. #7 – Another reason for sinas chinom is the view that anyone more machmar than you is “just pander[ing] to their own kanoyas”, not doing what they feel is right.

    #10/#12 – It is a Kiddush Hashem, not a Chillul Hashem, when frum jews stand up for what they consider to be right.

  23. seems to me that most of the people here have not a clue what they are talking about because they dont live in israel. i live here in yerushalayim-for those people that think the women get the ‘back of the bus’ actually on the mehadrin lines like #2 #49a #56 #10 #11 etc, the women get about 2/3 of the bus, NOT ‘the back’ row as its made to sound.

    another point. i was on the #2 on thursday and the front was occupied by chasidim and there was also a pregenant woman sitting next to her husband right near the front and no one said a word.

    next point. i take the #49a (which is definitely very chareidi and officially mehadrin) almost every day and i regularly sit next to my wife (as do many other very frum people from nevei yackov) around the middle door area and no one has a problem with that.

    i was on the #163 to kever rachel last thusday and again very chareidi and mehadrin (i think we were the only litvish people on the bus) . i sat next to my wife just behind the middle doors, and again everyone was fine with that.

    (one other )

  24. it seems to me that the men that are opposed to seperate seating have a problem that they are trying to hide. Rashi tells us in sefer bereishis that Eisav was the FIRST equalist. yes thats right. EISAV HARASHA was the first person to pioneer womens rights. but we all know that he didnt have pure intentions at heart.
    why does it hurt people that they want separate seating. do they really think that because frum people don’t like to mingle, that makes us womanizers.
    would these same people say that we hate women coz we cant sit next to them in shul, or by a wedding.

  25. I will now comment.

    Sam Rose – I am a Posek. I also have a Ph.D. in Business and I lecture in College in courses in Finance. Therefore, I offer my opinion in matters that I know, and have degrees in. I have Semicha recognized by the Rabbanut in Israel, and Rabbi Yonah Metzger. Now that I have shown you my credidentials, let me see yours!

    Chaverim – In the times of the Gemara, there were no seperate stores. So if you are insinuating that we are greater than the Tanaim, and Amoraim who proceeded us, you are a fool!

    Yiddishemamma – Just because a bus passes through a “white” neighborhood” doesn;t mean the “blacks” sit in the back! Segregation was done with years ago. Don’t look now, but THE USA has a “black” President.

    Plusplus – Gedolim? Are they greater than Rav Moshe Feinstein, who Paskened “There is no issur sitting next to someone of the opposite gender”. Those people who make a scene on a plane or a bus, are in my eyes “Crazy”. Don;t go spewing rhetoric! Rav Moshe’s Halacha stands. if you want to sit seperately, take a cab!

    In israel – I live in RBSA A and know all about RBS B because my wife and kids were already bullied by the “crazies” who live there!

  26. for those people that think that only in ‘chasidish new square’ do they have seperate sideo of the street for men and women, well heres something you might not know.

    in Kelm (very very very litvish, probably about as non chasidish as you could get) they had seperate sides of the street for men and women-no problem!

    i heard that in Gateshead they have seperate times for boys and girls in the kosher supermarkets because of the high concentration of so many Bochurim and Girls, again-no problem!

  27. unfortunately some people today since they have no emesdige connection to the Ribbono Shel Olum try to make up for it by latching on to anything that looks and presents an image of ‘frumkeit’ (frum is Roshei Taivos – Fill Rishus, Veinik Mitzves) .

    Certainly it is commendable to choose not to be near women when possible – especially when the women are not dressed properly.

    But this does not mean you can act like an animal in other areas crucial to Yiddishkeit like derech eretz.

    I will take the 417 in BS to JTown many times since it runs more often than the 418, and to tell you the truth there is an unoffical rule – just a pretty solidy acepted hanhoga w/o any ‘forcing’ that women and men do not sit next to eachother and are generally in blocks of men or women. I actually find that the biggest problem in riding a bus from a tzniyus point of view is looking out the window. It is not common to sit next to an imodest woman (or the need to sit next to a woman at all) and it is not too big of a nisoyon not to look around the bus for trouble. But looking out the window is a natural thing for me and in the city this is much more dangerous than what is inside the bus.

    Halokhchally – the whole concept if Darka Acharina – has many limitations – TOsfis writes there that if it involves financial loss it is not a darka acharina. (BTW, the kanoyim’s Mehadrin line is more than 20% more expensive, silly silly)

    Lichoira – if the only way to make medrin on Egged is by being an animal it is not called ikka darka acharina as derech is kodmo laTOrah and the TOrah certainly comes before money (ad shlish by an aseh, the whole kupah by a lav) so based on that Tosfis clearly if no derech ertz no darka acharina and the mokom where women are ommodest is mutar to walk by.

    BTW, that Gemoro does not say that the men should bark at or hit the women or embarass them while they are doing the kevisa. That is a modern chumras shoitim.

  28. The requirements of Judism comes with an added expense. kosher food is more expsive then regular food. So too if your convictions prevent you from being near a person of the opposite gender on the bus then pay for private transportation or walk. Thats it if you are so frum then walk.

  29. “It is a Kiddush Hashem, not a Chillul Hashem, when frum jews stand up for what they consider to be right.” Oh, and does this apply to the Neturei Karta tzaddikim that snuggle up to and kiss the Iranian Hitler? The demand for Mehadrin buses is just a symptom of the growing “chumraization” of genuine Yiddishkeit. To paraphrase an old saying “A chuma a day keeps the doctor away”. The doctor maybe, but not the soton who delights in visiting Yidden embroiled in machlokes and sinna.visiting

  30. Shalom to everyone!
    #27, what is pshat in the gemarrah that says ‘ein apitrapus l’arayos’?
    Let us recall the goal. The dream is to have a ‘holy camp’, V’haya Machanecha Kadosh. What is the explanation of Kadosh? Rashi explains that Kadosh means separate from arayos. One of the Arayos is Nidda and another is Eishes Ish! 2 very serious considerations.
    In terms of what is the mitzva, there is a machlokes whether Kedoshim Tihiyu is one of the Taryag, but either way it is CRUCIAL to the fulfillment of all the other mitzvos!
    We are in a very difficult time here in the 21st century. We are entrapped by the media and society to confront ‘ervah’ at every turn. We can not avoid the messages that are being screamed from the rooftops: ‘fulfill your desires without any regard for Hashem!’ But how can a person who is working on his avodas Hashem not do their best to retain some semblance of holiness?
    When the issue turns to separate seating: We need to consider the following. Men do not think or act like women! Men have a very different set of genetic habits. Men will respond to stimuli far different than women. Women will never understand what a man will think when he ‘brushes up against a women.’
    I am a teacher of teenage bochurim. I have heard innumerable depictions of innocuous encounters that espoused considerable reactions from young men (and women). What we have to consider is the status of our ‘camp’. Will we just let the flow of society dictate what is innocuous and what is dangerous? Or should we establish a truthful perspective on the nature of men and women and the dynamic that dictates their relationship?
    Most bus encounters are not dangerous. I am living in Jerusalem and a chareidi women asked me to hold her baby while she went to the front of the bus to pay. Innocuous, no? When she came back her baby and I had gotten along swimmingly and she started to ask me if I have any children. Innocuous, no? She proceeded to call her own baby a flirt for enjoying my attention. This ‘innocuouos’ encounter was bewildering to me! I immmediately gave her her baby back and moved my seat as not to be sitting across the aisle form her.
    Right or wrong, innocuous in our circles is different than in any other world.
    Separate bus lines are just a simple measure in enabling our eyes to stay focused on the goal. The goal of kedusha.
    My wife has spent her life traveling to and from the kotel. The number of incidents she has described to me of being harassed ‘innocuously’ or inadvertently touched is infuriating!
    But then we have to put into perspective the words of the Ramchal. When he describes Nekiyus, he explains the power of Ta’avah. Even the pinky of a woman can be affecting!?!? How could this be? The answer is embedded in the reality of our world. We are so exposed to the world of Tumah that we imagine that our lives are not being infiltrated by the ‘pinky’ of a woman. But let me assure you, there is a higher standard of living, where even the ‘pinky’ can (and should – with one’s wife) be scintillating.
    In short:
    Please be aware that the measures requested for separate seating should be enforced without the unnecessary haranguing of people who are ignorant of the situation. Secondly, separate seating must be viewed as a method of eventually achieving kedusha. With that in mind, every man, woman and child will have this higher calling to look forward to. A calling that has been limited to the enforcers of Hashem’s will. Limited to us.
    Hashem loves you either way, and please have a nice day.

  31. America has replaced the word ‘immodest’ with the word ‘freedom.’

    People who say they want their ‘freedom’ really just want their ‘immodesty.’

    The real Charedim know what ‘immodesty’ is. It is what our great leaders, Maran Eliashev, Harav Kanievsky, Harav Michoel Yehuda Leifkowitz, and so on, all say: NO MIXED SEATING ON BUSES! It is IMMODEST!

    The problem is that being charedi is so attractive that a lot of people like to claim it for themselves when they really have been quite treifed up by their secular environment. Charedi people follow their leaders, not American public opinion.

  32. #3 paragraph 8 ‘for those who claim this is not for the 21st century..’ those who do so say this about most of the torah, they are nebech not educated in the holy torah and are more into the culture of the ‘isms’ which is keneged torah, so you cant blame them. and this is the never ending battle between sitru dekedushe and the others

  33. #38: if you insisit on “open equality” and want to force your immoral views on judaism, consider moving to las vegas where anything goes.

  34. # 42 – I believe Yissi quoted Maran Hagaon Harav Moshe Feinstein. Why does that make him a reform Posek – just because it does not agree with your view ?
    Let’s try and respect each others views especially if they are based on a sound halchic pasak. We don’t have to agree but let’s show each other respect. Eloo Veeloo dvrei elokim hayim.In my humble opinion it will bring the Moschiach closer.

  35. Chaverim – I am not Mochel you and you lost your Olam Haboh! I am not reform. I do not have a reform Semicha! I never attended a reform Synagouge (if you can call it that). I am as Orthodox (although not Charedi, just Chardal) as they get. But one thing is for sure. You embaraseed me in public, and I will never be Mochel you! I will say it a thrd time B’rabim. I WILL NEVER BE MOCHEL YOU!

    I am also sending a letter to Yeshiva World to throw you off this site. Although i am sure you will just come back with another name. Do us all a favor, and do teshuva while you still have time.

  36. Israeli #44: Being “frum” means at ALL times. Going against the Rabbonim, as this so-called frum Hotoveli is doing, is anything but.

    We know the long list of Maranan V’Rabbonim, Gedolei Yisroel shlitta & Rabbonim that insist on Mehadrin buses. What are the exact names of those rabbis supposedly against having Mehadrin buses available in Yerushlayim Ir Hakodesh?

    I submit you cannot NAME such rabbis.

  37. #45: He MISAPPLIED a psak of Reb Moshe. yissi declaring himself an anonymous posek is a joke, especially considering his non-orthodox statements.

  38. yissi: I don’t need it from a reformer who publicly goes against the Torah and Rabbonim. I strongly suggest and urge YOU to seek it from klal yisroel.

  39. yissi publicly told the Maranon V’Rabbonim & Gedolei Yisroel shlitta and all the Rabbonim who have publicly stated there should be Mehadrin lines as follows:

    “You are all fools, and are making a tremendous Chillul Hashem! If you don’t want to sit near a lady, (or for some of you, a man) take a cab! Don’t force your stupidity on us!”

    yissi, please contact Hagoen Harav Eliyashev shlita, Hagoen Harav Vozner shlita, Hagoen Harav Nissim Karelitz, Hagoen Harav Shteinman and the other multitudes of Rabbonim shlitta that are on the public record insisting on Mehadrin buses, and apologize for your above public attack on them and their position and beg their mechila.

    I can do little more than stand up for Gedolei Yisroel’s kavod.

  40. Israeli #51:

    And like I and others pointed out in that previous thread, you libelously misapplied Reb Moshe’s psak to fit your agenda.

    Reb Moshe said in a situation like the NYC Subway where we Jews have no control whether it is mixed seating, the non-jewish government runs and does what it wants, since NYC Jews need to use the subway it is permissable.

    You falsely expounded that such psak means Chas V’shalom that Reb Moshe would have no preference that a bus be Mehadrin and that C’V Reb Moshe couldn’t care less if a mehadrin bus line became non-mehadrin.

    This is libelous against Reb Moshe and a misapplication of his specific psak din.

  41. Chaverim- you have a lot to do teshuva for, and I will do as Yissi did and send an email to YWN that you should be banned.
    For all of those of you who love to quote the “gedolim”; unfortunately, they are not the ones saying these things. They are requested, and harassed by askanim with an agenda to say things that can then be quoted out of context. To prove: Wish I could find the link, but there is some charedi website that posted an interview with Rav Elyashiv (sent to me by a DL co-worker) where it was obvious that they were just trying to get R’ Elyashiv to say things to take them out of context. After getting sick to my stomach, and stopping to watch it in middle, I saw a poster with pictures and quotes from that interview a few weeks later. Needless to say, R’ Elyashiv did not say that shaitels were assur, he said- in answer to a question- that yes, the shaitels a hundred years ago were better. This was taken out of context (naturally) by the anti-shaitel people. I would love to be able to get an audience with R’ Elyashiv myself and tell him all about what goes on on the mehadrin bus lines, and see if he would still endorse it. He would not, but unfortunately, I am not an “askan” with nothing else to do all day but promote my agendas, so I don’t have access to get an audience with him. Woe is to the Jewish nation that our “frummest” people are THESE! (Oh, and the ones who beat up women who walk down the street with a male, or sit in the wrong section of a bus)
    And Sam Rose- the litvish men sit with their wives- we have no chumra prohibiting it. Or alternatively, they find another man to sit next to…

  42. #53: If I need your advice I’d have solicited it. In the interim you are confused. Rav Eliyashev and the rest of the Gedolim are very intelligent, much more than you and I, and are no ones puppets – intentionally OR unintentionally.

    Please give the Gedolim shlitta more credit than you acknowledge.

    And btw, “litvish” people (like myself) and “chasidish” people follow the same laws and stringencies in these matters.

  43. Oops. Looks like Israeli #55 found a loophole way to weasel out of his previous “to no longer respond to your posts.”

    Whose fault is it that you find fault with the words and actions of the gedolim? I submit it is your own.

  44. to chaverim: in israel in general and in yerushalyaim especially, which is know as the palace of the king we are expected to live on a higher plane than in chutz learetz. that means no mixed buses expecially during peak hours.

    to yissi: just the opposite, if you feel that you cannot go on a bus wihtout being next to your spouse then please take a taxi cab, (pay for your taivos just as you would for that delicious pizza)

  45. yissi – Reb Moshe also paskened your not allowed to listen to music. As you may have noticed, not everyone holds like him. So please do not call those who hold a diffrent shita “Those people who make a scene on a plane or a bus, are in my eyes “Crazy”. Don;t go spewing rhetoric! Rav Moshe’s Halacha stands. if you want to sit seperately, take a cab!”

    And if chaverim lost of all of his olam haba for calling you reform, don’t you also lose yours for calling people “Crazy”?!

  46. # 58 – Please explain why sitting next to one’s spouse is considered a taivo. I am not away of any Psak saying that sitting next to one’s wife is erva.

    Adraba a healthy and strong marriage is built on good communication between husband and wife . How can we raise children with Yirat Shamayim and the tools to face the numerous challanges that face our generation without the strong support and assistance of our spouses . This partnership can only be built by a strong bond between the spouses.

  47. If a man is not allowed to walk between two women or look at a women, and it can be avoided by a mehadrin line, then do we not as Torah true yidden have the obligation to use a mehadrin line?

  48. If Reb Moshe had a leinceny and you hold by him, then fine. But Reb Moshe is/was not everyones rav. He ruled for the american community and thus had to be more leinent. Is Cholov akum allowed if in a place with abundant cholov Yisroel products? Of crouse not. On community issues like this Reb Moshe was leinent. If he isn’t your rav- ask your own sheila.
    Mehadrin lines are possible and as such should be used- there is a halahick basis for them.

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